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This area provides a comprehensive list of books that we feel are of interest to the TelAbility community. Use the search interface below to search by keyword or category for books related to your area of interest. If you find books that interest you click on [buy me] for online ordering. We are constantly reviewing and adding new books so please check back often.

Know a good book, don't see it here? Recommend it!
Teaching Communication Skills to Students with Severe Disabilities, June E. Downing, PhD.

Developed by a highly recommended expert, this practical guide has the comprehensive, research-based information you need to help students with disabilities realize the benefits of effective communication. This book shows you how to analyze environments for their communicative value, assess the communication skills of students from preschool to high school, teach specific skills such as gaining attention and requesting, work with students who use ACC, and guide peers and adults in supporting students with disabilities. [Buy Me]
Book CoverA Toss of the Dice: Child Development from a Pediatrician's Perspective, Natasha T. Hays MD

This book was written to educate, interest, and inspire doctors, teachers, parents, and health professionals who work with children with developmental disabilities. The book is written in anecdotal style, using patients from the author's developmental pediatric practice to illustrate the various challenges that children with different types of special needs face. Each chapter discusses a different developmental issue; for example, autism, mental retardation, genetic syndromes, cerebral palsy, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, mood disorders, and giftedness. Medical information and treatment options are also included, as are references and footnotes for the reader who wishes to delve further into a particular topic discussed. The book is intended to be written in a style comprehensible to the general public but also of interest to the more medically sophisticated reader. The book also has a section of books and movies that are relevant to a variety of disabilities, so that parents and their children can learn more about a disability in an enjoyable way. [Buy Me]
Book CoverNi?os Autistas, Michael D. Powers, Ph.D

Esta guia, la cual se recomienda como el primer libro que deben leer los padres de familia, proporciona una introduccion completa y sensible al autismo y las maneras en que este puede afectar al ni?o/ni?a durante los primeros seis a?os de vida. Tambien describe el efecto del autismo en la vida familiar y la atencion diaria, y abarca temas importantes tales como educacion especial, defensa y derechos legales. [Buy Me]
Book CoverUncommon Fathers : Reflections on Raising a Child With a Disability, Donald J. Meyer (Editor)

Reflections on raising a child with a disability. A compelling collection by fathers who were asked to reflect and write about the life-altering experiences of having a child with a disability. [Buy Me]
Book CoverThe New Language of Toys : Teaching Communication Skills to Children With Special Needs : A, Joan E. Heller Miller and Sue Schwartz, Phd

Newly revised and updated edition of how-to-guide for using everyday toys to develop communication skills in children with disabilities and make playtime a fun, exciting, and educational experience. [Buy Me]
Book CoverInclusive Child Care for Infants and Toddlers : Meeting Individual and Special Needs, Marion O'Brien

This educational book gives child care providers the practical guidance they need to serve infants and toddlers with and without disabilities in an inclusive setting. Students preparing for careers in child care and professionals working in settings that welcome children of all abilities will find this resource to be a valuable tool for providing high-quality services to their young clients. [Buy Me]
Purposeful Play: Early Childhood Movement Activities on a Budget, Renee M. McCall and Diana Craft

This book provides ideas for early childhood educators on how to make play materials out of unusual items from gutters and coat hangers. A great resource for providers and programs on a tight budget. [Buy Me]


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