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Allie the Allergic Elephant, Nicole S Smith
A useful book about the most common type of food allergy. Written for children ages 4-8, this humorous book helps children understand that some foods can hurt other children and that peanuts can "hide" in lots of different kinds of foods. [Buy Me] |
Andy Opens Wide, Nan Holcomb
Andy has feeding difficulties because of problems controlling the muscles in his mouth. Eating is an ordeal for both Mom and Andy. This story helps friends and family understand the frustrations children with disabilities often feel when confronted by seemingly simple tasks. [Buy Me] |
Caring for Children With Cerebral Palsy : A Team Approach, John P. Dormans and Louis Pellegrino (Editors)
Provides detailed information on a multitude of issues, including: definitions, diagnosis, prognosis, health maintenance, preventive care, orthopedics, feeding and nutrition, daily living skills, family, school, and community roles and much more. [Buy Me] |
Caring for Your Child with Severe Food Allergies, Lisa Cipriano Collins
Subtitled "Emotional Support and Practical Advice from a Parent Who's Been There" this book is designed to help parents deal with their child's food allergy. [Buy Me] |
Childhood Feeding Disorders : Biobehavioral Assessment and Intervention, Jurgen Horst Kedesdy and Karen S. Budd
Detailed case studies illustrate individualized assessments, causal analyses, interventions, and outcomes for a range of childhood feeding disorders, including extreme selectivity, food refusal, failure to thrive, developmental feeding disorders, rumination, and obesity. Material on specific disorders reviews terminology, prevalence data, etiological factors, diagnostic criteria, and treatment options. For child health care providers and feeding specialists. [Buy Me] |
Failure to Thrive and Pediatric Undernutrition : A Transdiciplinary Approach, Danile B. Kesler, M.D. and Peter Dawson, M.D., M.P.H
Thirty-seven contributions from a variety of disciplines discuss the condition of infants and young children, generally three years and younger, who fail to grow as expected based on established growth standards for age and gender. The sections detail underlying causes such as nutrition and feeding, the traditional medical aspects of undernutrition, child development issues, clinician issues, community services, and social policies. The appendices include growth charts, questionnaires, methods of assessing feeding, and family interactions. [Buy Me] |
Mealtime Participation Guide, Marsha Dunn Klein and Suzanne Evans Morris
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Pre-Feeding Skills: A Comprehensive Resource for Feeding Development, Suzanne Evans Morris, M.D
Therapy Skill Builders/The Psychological Corporation, San Antonio, TX [Buy Me] |
Preemies: The Essential Guide for Parents of Premature Babies, Dana Wechsler Linden, Emma Trenti-Paroli, and Mia Wechsler Doron
Preemies is the only resource of its kind -- a comprehensive "Dr. Spock"-like reference that is both reassuring and realistic, delivering up-to-the-minute information on medical care in a warm, caring, and engaging voice. Authors Dana Wechsler Linden and Emma Trenti Paroli are parents who have "been there." Together with neonatologist Mia Wechsler Doron, they answer the dozens of questions that parents will have at every stage -- from high-risk pregnancy through preemie's hospitalization, to homecoming and the preschool years -- imparting a vast, detailed store of knowledge in clear language that all readers can understand. [Buy Me] |
Taking Food Allergies to School (Special Kids in School), Ellen Weiner
A book for ages 9-12 that teaches children about food allergy. [Buy Me] |
The Educator's Guide to Feeding Children with Disabilities, Dianne Lowman, Suzanne McKeever Murphy
Comprehensive and team-focused, this book provides you with the information you need to design and implement effective feeding plans for children with disabilities at school. [Buy Me] |
The Grandparent's and Other Relative Caregiver's Guides, Children's Defense Fund
The Children's Defense Fund has created four helpful guides, written specifically for kinship caregivers. The booklets are written in question and answer format and include information on important issues affecting the children in their care, federal programs, eligibility requirements, and how to enroll the children they are raising.
There are four booklets:
* Grandparent's and Other Relative Caregiver's Guide to Raising Children with Disabilities
* Grandparent's and Other Relative Caregiver's Guide to Child Care and Early Education Programs
* Grandparent's and Other Relative Caregiver's Guide to Food and Nutrition Programs for Children
* Grandparent's and Other Relative Caregiver's Guide to Health Insurance for Children
There is no charge for single copies of each guide.
To order please contact the Children's Defense Fund at (202) 662-3568 or [Buy Me] |