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Andy Opens Wide, Nan Holcomb
Andy has feeding difficulties because of problems controlling the muscles in his mouth. Eating is an ordeal for both Mom and Andy. This story helps friends and family understand the frustrations children with disabilities often feel when confronted by seemingly simple tasks. [Buy Me] |
Breakthrough Parenting for Children with Special Needs, Judy Winter
Written by the mother of a boy with cerebral palsy, this book is full of information about special needs parenting that focuses on positive parenting, while addressing everyday practical matters using a proven, motivational, how-to approach. [Buy Me] |
Caring for Children With Cerebral Palsy : A Team Approach, John P. Dormans and Louis Pellegrino (Editors)
Provides detailed information on a multitude of issues, including: definitions, diagnosis, prognosis, health maintenance, preventive care, orthopedics, feeding and nutrition, daily living skills, family, school, and community roles and much more. [Buy Me] |
Cerebral Palsy; A Complete Guide for Caregiving, Freeman Miller, M.D. et al (Editors)
A comprehensive text and invaluable reference source. Offering sound professional advice with a caring commitment to do what's best for a child with cerebral palsy. [Buy Me] |
Children With Cerebral Palsy : A Parents' Guide, Elaine Geralis (Editor)
Considered to be the first book that families should read, now completely updated. Provides comprehensive coverage of the concerns and issues central to giving children a head start on achieving independence as they strive to lead rewarding lives. [Buy Me] |
Gross Motor Skills in Children With Down Syndrome : A Guide for Parents and Professionals, Patricia C. Winders
A how-to guide for meeting the challenges Down syndrome presents for gross motor developments, coordination of large muscle groups and the sequencing of movements in young children. This book provides guidance for parents children ages birth through 6 years. [Buy Me] |
Handling the Young Cerebral Palsied Child at Home, Nancie R. Finnie and Nancy Finnie
A practical manual for children ages up to five years old. Explores parent's central role; includes answers to many common questions, provides practical suggestions for the handling of a child's routine activities. [Buy Me] |
Handling the Young Child With Cerebral Palsy at Home, Nancie R. Finnie
Practical manual for parents and other caregivers, explaining medical aspects of the condition, answering questions, and suggesting ways to help children accomplish routine activities. The word "handling" in the title is meant literally, with chapters on teaching methods emphasizing innovative ways parents can position and support a child to help him practice newly acquired motor skills throughout the day. Includes information on equipment and on how to make seats and mobility aids, plus addresses of vendors and social service providers in the UK. Third edition reflects the latest ideas on therapeutic intervention, and the shift to home-based or community care. [Buy Me] |
Rolling Along: The Story of Taylor and His Wheelchair, Jamee Riggio Heelan
Taylor and Tyler are twin brothers and best friends. But the twins are different in one significant way: Taylor has cerebral palsy, while Tyler does not. Through Taylor's eyes we see how much effort he must expend to strengthen his legs, which are weak. He explains how valuable his new wheelchair is because it helps him maneuver more easily and do the things he want to do, like go to school and play basketball with his brother Tyler. [Buy Me] |
The Diplegic Child : Evaluation and Management, Michael D. Sussman (Editor)
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