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Caring for Children With Cerebral Palsy : A Team Approach, John P. Dormans and Louis Pellegrino (Editors)
Provides detailed information on a multitude of issues, including: definitions, diagnosis, prognosis, health maintenance, preventive care, orthopedics, feeding and nutrition, daily living skills, family, school, and community roles and much more. [Buy Me] |
Collaborative Teams for Students with Severe Disabilities, Beverly Rainforth and Jennifer York-Barr
This book's second edition provides in-depth guidance on assesment, curriculum development, and intruction for students with severe disabilities. Includes updated information on changes in practices, legislation, and terminology. [Buy Me] |
Interdisciplinary Clinical Assessment of Young Children with Developmental Disabilities, Edited by Michael J. Guralnick
Written with an international perspective. Offers insight from veteran team members on establishing and maintaining interdiscplinary collaboration. Contributors represent fields such as: audiology, nutrition, psychology, social work, physical therapy, speech-language pathology, developmental pediatrics, and occupational therapy. Includes case studies and an appendix of photocopiable questionnaires. Lends perspective on how practitioners gather information, approach assessment, and make decisions, while facing challenges within their own disciplines. [Buy Me] |
Occupational Therapy Evaluation for Children: A Pocket Guide, Denise F. Polit
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Occupational Therapy for Children (3rd Edition), Jane Case-Smith (Editor)
Divided into three sections: Section 1: Knowledge Base of Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics; Section 2: Occupational Therapy Assessment in Pediatrics; and Section 3: Occupational Therapy Intervention: Performance Areas. [Buy Me] |
Sensory Integration and the Child, A. Jean Ayres
The book that started the sensory integration approach to child with special needs. [Buy Me] |
Steps to Independence, Bruce Baker and Alan Brightman
A guidebook filled with proven, step-by-step strategies for teaching children with disabilities the life skills they'll need to live as independently as possible. [Buy Me] |
Teachers Ask About Sensory Integration: Audio Cassette and Companion Booklet, Stacey Szklut with Carol Stock Kranowicz
Carol Stock Kranowitz interviews expert occupational therapist Stacey Szklut about how to teach children with sensory integration problems. This full-length audio tape includes narration by public health physician Dr. David Silver. A 60-page companion booklet includes classroom checklists, idea sheets, sensory profiles, and extensive resources customized for the classroom teacher. [Buy Me] |
The Out of Sync Child, Carol Stock Kranowitz
A popular book about sensory integration therapy and its ability to help children with sensory processing challenges. [Buy Me] |