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Adaptive Play for Special Needs Children, Caroline Ramsey Musselwhite, Ed.D
Designed for parents and professionals, this book is a comprehensive guide to using play as a learning tool; developing, adaptive play material and teaching skills with play. [Buy Me] |
Breakthrough Parenting for Children with Special Needs, Judy Winter
Written by the mother of a boy with cerebral palsy, this book is full of information about special needs parenting that focuses on positive parenting, while addressing everyday practical matters using a proven, motivational, how-to approach. [Buy Me] |
Collaborative Teams for Students with Severe Disabilities, Beverly Rainforth and Jennifer York-Barr
This book's second edition provides in-depth guidance on assesment, curriculum development, and intruction for students with severe disabilities. Includes updated information on changes in practices, legislation, and terminology. [Buy Me] |
Delicate Threads : Friendships Between Children With and Without Special, Debbie Staub
An insightful guide to how children's friendships unfold when one child is developmentally disabled. Includes case studies from research conducted by the author, and help for parents hoping to understand and encourage these potentially life-enriching relationships.
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Genetics and Mental Retardation Syndromes: A New Look at Behavior and Interventions, Elisabeth Dykens, Robert Hodapp, Brenda Finucane
New genetic causes of mental retardation are being discovered at a rapid rate- every day more people are diagnosed with specific syndromes. This comprehensive and timely guide identifies characterics of people who have these syndromes to help you understand their behaviors and their needs. [Buy Me] |
Purposeful Play: Early Childhood Movement Activities on a Budget, Renee M. McCall and Diana Craft
This book provides ideas for early childhood educators on how to make play materials out of unusual items from gutters and coat hangers. A great resource for providers and programs on a tight budget. [Buy Me] |
The New Language of Toys : Teaching Communication Skills to Children With Special Needs : A, Joan E. Heller Miller and Sue Schwartz, Phd
Newly revised and updated edition of how-to-guide for using everyday toys to develop communication skills in children with disabilities and make playtime a fun, exciting, and educational experience. [Buy Me] |