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This area provides a comprehensive list of books that we feel are of interest to the TelAbility community. Use the search interface below to search by keyword or category for books related to your area of interest. If you find books that interest you click on [buy me] for online ordering. We are constantly reviewing and adding new books so please check back often.

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Book CoverA Toss of the Dice: Child Development from a Pediatrician's Perspective, Natasha T. Hays MD

This book was written to educate, interest, and inspire doctors, teachers, parents, and health professionals who work with children with developmental disabilities. The book is written in anecdotal style, using patients from the author's developmental pediatric practice to illustrate the various challenges that children with different types of special needs face. Each chapter discusses a different developmental issue; for example, autism, mental retardation, genetic syndromes, cerebral palsy, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, mood disorders, and giftedness. Medical information and treatment options are also included, as are references and footnotes for the reader who wishes to delve further into a particular topic discussed. The book is intended to be written in a style comprehensible to the general public but also of interest to the more medically sophisticated reader. The book also has a section of books and movies that are relevant to a variety of disabilities, so that parents and their children can learn more about a disability in an enjoyable way. [Buy Me]
Book CoverCaring for Children With Cerebral Palsy : A Team Approach, John P. Dormans and Louis Pellegrino (Editors)

Provides detailed information on a multitude of issues, including: definitions, diagnosis, prognosis, health maintenance, preventive care, orthopedics, feeding and nutrition, daily living skills, family, school, and community roles and much more. [Buy Me]
Decision Making in Pediatric Neurologic Physical Therapy, Suzann K. Campbell (Editor)

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Development of Mature Walking (Clinics in Developmental Medicine, No 104/105), David H. Sutherland and Richard A. Olshen

Summarizes comprehensive study on the maturation of walking in normal children. Research involved over 400 studies on a total of nearly 300 children in ten age-groups from one to seven years. Data are presented on anthropometric measurements; tests of developmental progress; time/distance parameters; dynamic electromyography of phasic activity in seven lower-extremity muscle groups; and force measurements. At each age, composite joint-angle graphs and time/distance parameters are brought together with film tracings of a representative child in that age group. Practical applications are demonstrated in a chapter devoted to two case studies. [Buy Me]
Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics, Melvin D. Levine et al. (Editors)

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Dictionary of Developmental Disabilities Terminology, Pasquale J. Accardo (Editor)

This encyclopedic multidisciplinary reference provides fast, reliable answers to your terminology questions. Enhance your communication with patients, families, and other medical professionals. [Buy Me]
Fundamentals of Pediatric Orthopedics (2nd Edition), Lynn T. Staheli

Designed to serve as a ready reference for pediatricians, primary care physicians and orthopedists. Features 454 full-color drawings and photographs and 280 black-and-white illustrations, strategically integrated with succinct and readable text. Provides a collection of parent education materials--including a full-color guide for a child's hospitalization--that can be copied and used as handouts. [Buy Me]
Genetics and Mental Retardation Syndromes: A New Look at Behavior and Interventions, Elisabeth Dykens, Robert Hodapp, Brenda Finucane

New genetic causes of mental retardation are being discovered at a rapid rate- every day more people are diagnosed with specific syndromes. This comprehensive and timely guide identifies characterics of people who have these syndromes to help you understand their behaviors and their needs. [Buy Me]
Mild Traumatic Brain Injury : A Clinician's Guide, Michael J. Raymond

An innovative text that addresses the medical, legal, and rehabilitation issues surrounding mild brain injury. It serves as a clinical guide to assessment, diagnosis and treatment of problems associated with mild brain injury. [Buy Me]
Mosby's Resource Guide to Children With Disabilities and Chronic Illness, Helen M. Wallace (Editor)

Covers legislation, financing, public programs, demographics, trends, and goals for quality care. Discusses the actual therapeutic services needed by children with chronic illness and disabilities. Describes over 20 chronic conditions using a standardized format for quick reference and assessment. Provides an up-to-date- list of important resources for special needs children: national support groups, government programs, essential health care resource options, and more. [Buy Me]
My Journey with Jake, Miriam Edelson

This book follows the author's son through birth, diagnosis and each illness and decision that accompanied each day. [Buy Me]
Book CoverNeurologic Rehabilitation : A Guide to Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Treatment Planning, Virginia Mills and John W. Cassidy, MD (Editors)

Provides a foundation for understanding neurologic disorders that rehabilitation clinicians encounter in their patients, using a conceptual approach to rehabilitation called the 'neurologic rehabilitation model'. Chapters on various disorders follow this model to describe a systematic approach to diagnosis and prognosis and discuss specific examples of rehabilitative treatment strategies and methods, with case examples. Ideal as an introduction for students and a reference for professionals in physical and occupational therapy, speech pathology, neuropsychology, neurology, psychiatry, and social work. [Buy Me]
Pediatric Rehabilitation (3rd Expanded and Updated Edition), Gabriella E. Molnar, Michael A. Alexander

Integrates the principles of rehabilitation medicine with those of child development, both of which viewpoints are integrated in this volume. The first section addresses the adaptation of diagnostic methods to the changing needs and abilities of children; the second discusses specific disabilities. Updates the 1985 original edition. [Buy Me]
Book CoverPreemies: The Essential Guide for Parents of Premature Babies, Dana Wechsler Linden, Emma Trenti-Paroli, and Mia Wechsler Doron

Preemies is the only resource of its kind -- a comprehensive "Dr. Spock"-like reference that is both reassuring and realistic, delivering up-to-the-minute information on medical care in a warm, caring, and engaging voice. Authors Dana Wechsler Linden and Emma Trenti Paroli are parents who have "been there." Together with neonatologist Mia Wechsler Doron, they answer the dozens of questions that parents will have at every stage -- from high-risk pregnancy through preemie's hospitalization, to homecoming and the preschool years -- imparting a vast, detailed store of knowledge in clear language that all readers can understand. [Buy Me]
Rehabilitation Medicine: Principles and Practices (3rd Ed.), Joel A. Delisa et al. (Editors)

A hefty, comprehensive text comprising 71 contributed chapters covering both basic principles and practical techniques of patient management, for medical students, physiatrists and other physicians interested in rehabilitation medicine, and the broad range of allied health professionals who work with physically impaired people. The volume covers the principles of diagnosis and evaluation, management methods, major rehabilitation problems, and rehabilitation of specific disorders. [Buy Me]
The Out of Sync Child, Carol Stock Kranowitz

A popular book about sensory integration therapy and its ability to help children with sensory processing challenges. [Buy Me]


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