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Following are a few sample questions we have selected - you can use the category listing to the left to find more questions and answers relating to your areas of interest. Click on a question to see the answer.
How can I get all my child's caregivers to talk to each other?
 Children with disabilities often have many special needs that require assistance from multiple caregivers including medical personnel, educators, and therapy providers, to name just a few. These professionals provide services to many clients each day and sometimes cannot connect with each other to maximize coordination of services. Many caregivers themselves are dissatisfied with the lack of time they have to talk with other providers. Because you are the expert about your child's abilities and services, you're the best person to keep people informed. You can try to help this communication process by bringing copies of reports to visits, sending letters or e-mails to members of your child's team, and making sure that everyone is aware of any changes in your child's life. While this can seem to be too time consuming, TelAbility can help you successfully manage this process.


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