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Wake County Services and Resources for Children Birth-5
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This area provides a comprehensive list of books that we feel are of interest to the TelAbility community. Use the search interface below to search by keyword or category for books related to your area of interest. If you find books that interest you click on [buy me] for online ordering. We are constantly reviewing and adding new books so please check back often.

Know a good book, don't see it here? Recommend it!
Can't Your Child See? : A Guide for Parents and Professionals About Young Children Who Are, Eileen P. Scott, et al.

A guide for parents of visually impaired children. Practical guidelines for helping visually impaired children reach their full potential. [Buy Me]
Children With Visual Impairments : A Parents' Guide (The Special-Needs Collection), M. Cay Holbrook (Editor)

Designed to help parents get a handle on common types of concerns. Written by a team of professional and parents, each of whom is an expert on a different aspect of caring for children with visual impairments. [Buy Me]
Collaborative Teams for Students with Severe Disabilities, Beverly Rainforth and Jennifer York-Barr

This book's second edition provides in-depth guidance on assesment, curriculum development, and intruction for students with severe disabilities. Includes updated information on changes in practices, legislation, and terminology. [Buy Me]
Book CoverEducating Students Who Have Visual Impairments With Other Disabilities, Sharon Sacks and Rosanne K. Silberman (Editors)

Practical and informative, this multi-disciplinary text shows you how to develop effective educational strategies for students who have visual impairments with other disabilities, including hearing impairments, learning disabilities, orthopedic disabilities, neurological disabilities, and emotional and behavior disorders. [Buy Me]
Book CoverSeeing Things My Way, Alden R. Carter

A fully illustrated book about Amanda and her visual impairment. Explains in easy to read text her experiences and expectations, including use of CCTV and Braille. [Buy Me]


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