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A Button in Her Ear (Concept Book), Ada B. Litchfield Illustrations by Eleanor Mill
Approximately 7% of school children some degree of hearing loss. Story reinforces a child's healthy attitude toward use of a hearing aid. For children in similar circumstances this story has special meaning and sets the stage for new understanding. [Buy Me] |
A Parent's Guide to Down Syndrome: Toward a Brighter Future, Siegfried M. Pueschel
This guide, written by Dr. Pueschel and a group of expert parents, doctors, and educators, covers everything you need to know about raising your child with Down syndrome. [Buy Me] |
A Place for Me : Including Children With Special Needs in Early Care and Educational Settings, Phyllis A. Chandler
A reviewer on has written "This book is a good place to start for Early Childhood Educators who are beginning to grapple with issues surrounding inclusion. As more and more children with special needs are joining typically developing children in mainstream child care settings, teachers and parents are discovering a need to evaluate their assumptions about what impact these children may have on their program. This book teaches that inclusion need not be difficult- it can be easily acheived and is beneficial to all involved [Buy Me] |
A Toss of the Dice: Child Development from a Pediatrician's Perspective, Natasha T. Hays MD
This book was written to educate, interest, and inspire doctors, teachers, parents, and health professionals who work with children with developmental disabilities. The book is written in anecdotal style, using patients from the author's developmental pediatric practice to illustrate the various challenges that children with different types of special needs face. Each chapter discusses a different developmental issue; for example, autism, mental retardation, genetic syndromes, cerebral palsy, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, mood disorders, and giftedness. Medical information and treatment options are also included, as are references and footnotes for the reader who wishes to delve further into a particular topic discussed. The book is intended to be written in a style comprehensible to the general public but also of interest to the more medically sophisticated reader. The book also has a section of books and movies that are relevant to a variety of disabilities, so that parents and their children can learn more about a disability in an enjoyable way. [Buy Me] |
Abuse and Neglect : The Educator's Guide to the Identification and Prevention of Child Abuse, Barbara Lowenthal
Abuse And Neglect by Barbara Lowenthal (professor in the Department of Special Education, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, Illinois) is a serious and straightforward look at the classroom teacher's role in identifying, preventing, and intervening in cases of child maltreatment. Chapters soberly and explicitly discuss different forms of child abuse and neglect, how to spot them, legal remedies, and optimal courses of action. Abuse And Neglect is an absolute must-read for teachers of all walks, from public and private school instructors to Sunday School and Community Center teachers. Abuse And Neglect is highly recommended for teacher education academic reference collections and school district teacher in service training reading lists. [Buy Me] |
Adaptive Play for Special Needs Children, Caroline Ramsey Musselwhite, Ed.D
Designed for parents and professionals, this book is a comprehensive guide to using play as a learning tool; developing, adaptive play material and teaching skills with play. [Buy Me] |
Adolescents With Down Syndrome : Toward a More Fulfilling Lif, Siegfried Pueschel, M.D., Ph.D., J.D., M.P.H, and Maria Sustrova, M.D., Ph.D.(Editors)
This long-awaited volume helps ease transition to adulthood for teens with Down syndrome and their families. [Buy Me] |
Adolescents With Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities: Transition to Adulthood (Studies in Health and Human Services, Vol 31), Mieko K. Smith
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Adolescents and Inclusion : Transforming Secondary Schools, Anne M. Bauer, Glenda Myree Brown, and Glenda Myree
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After the Tears : Parents Talk About Raising a Child With a Disability, Robin Simons
In this deeply sensitive book, parents of disabled children describe with affecting candor how they first confronted their shattering experience--and then recovered to emerge stronger, healthier, and abler to cope and help their children. Black-and-white photographs. [Buy Me] |
Allie the Allergic Elephant, Nicole S Smith
A useful book about the most common type of food allergy. Written for children ages 4-8, this humorous book helps children understand that some foods can hurt other children and that peanuts can "hide" in lots of different kinds of foods. [Buy Me] |
Alternative Assessment : Measuring Outcomes and Supports for Students With Disabilities, Harold L. Kleinert andJacqui Farmer Kearns
In issue focused chapters readers learn how to develop student's self-determination and social skills, implement alternate assessments, and demonstrate student abilities across multiple environments. Readers will also learn how to help students with disabilities gain access to general curriculum standards, and involve parents, families, peers, communities, and the students themselves in tailoring assessments to fit students skills, needs and IEP objectives. [Buy Me] |
Andy Finds a Turtle, Nan Holcomb
Nan Holcomb, in one short book, motivates, communicates understanding and helps a young boy with a disability come to understand something about himself. [Buy Me] |
Andy Opens Wide, Nan Holcomb
Andy has feeding difficulties because of problems controlling the muscles in his mouth. Eating is an ordeal for both Mom and Andy. This story helps friends and family understand the frustrations children with disabilities often feel when confronted by seemingly simple tasks. [Buy Me] |
Andy and His Yellow Frisbee, Mary Thompson
In the school playground an autistic boy named Andy is closely watched by his sister while a new girl, Sarah, attempts to befriend him. The story views autism through the eyes of children, and parallels the behaviors and feelings of children with autism with their classmates and siblings. [Buy Me] |
Ants in His Pants, Cartoons by Michael F.Giangreco, Illustrations by Kevin Ruelle
With wit, humor and profound one liners, the 110 cartoons give a lighter look at the often comical and occasionally harsh truth of the ever-changing field of special education. [Buy Me] |
Assessing Infants and Preschoolers With Special Needs, Mary E. McLean, Donald B. Bailey Jr, and Mark Wolery
Examines assessment issues, considerations, and procedures that can help pinpoint intervention needs. Key topics include: assessment of family concerns, resources, and priorities presenting the latest information on strategies for complying with recent legislative mandates. Emphasis throughout on family-centered assessment and assessment in natural environments that reflects current thinking about inclusion (i.e.: infant cognitive development, preschool cognitive skills, motor skills, communication skills, social interaction skills, play skills, and self-care skills). For early childhood special educators and other professionals who work with infants and preschoolers. [Buy Me] |
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in the Classroom : A Practical Guide for Teachers, Carol A. Dowdy, et al.
A complete guide to how to deal effectively with students who have attention deficits in their classroom. [Buy Me] |
Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Transactional Developmental Perspective, Amy Wetherby, Barry Prizant
With this cross-disciplinary reference you will have it all- a thorough explanation of the communication and language difficulties characteristic of autism as they relate to development and research based strategies that reflect the individuality of a child with autism. [Buy Me] |
Babies With Down Syndrome (The Special-Needs Collection), Karen Stray-Gundersen (Editor)
A complete guide for new parents of babies with Down syndrome. Written by professionals and parents covering everything needed to raise these beautiful and special children. [Buy Me] |
Beginning Literacy With Language : Young Children Learning at Home and School, David K. Dickinson and Patton O. Tabors
Through research gathered in the Home School Study of Language and Literacy Development, the authors share with you the relationship they've found between the critical, early parent-child and teacher-child interactions and children's kindergarten language and literacy skills. You'll explore both the home and school environments of these children at ages 3, 4, and 5. You'll see how families talk to their young children during everyday activities like book reading, toy play, and mealtimes. You'll also examine children's conversations throughout the classroom day and consider how teachers strive to support children's development. In each chapter, you'll see how the data was collected,read actual transcripts of parent-child and teacher- child interactions,recognize how these interactions relate to later development,get suggestions for supporting children's language and literacy development, andlearn how these findings play out in the lives of four of the children in the study.
Find out how young children's home and classroom experiences during the preschool years are related to their kindergarten language and literacy skills, and discover the kinds of conversations that make a difference. [Buy Me] |
Behavioral Intervention for Young Children With Autism : A Manual for Parents and, Catherine Maurice, et al.
A manual with a wealth of practical information for parents, professionals, and others concerned with helping children with autism. Contains stories of those who have benefitted from behavioral interventions. [Buy Me] |
Behavioral Observation : Technology and Applications in, Travis Thompson, David Felce, Frank Symons
With this exciting book, you will learn how to make technology work to obtain and analyze information of the behavior of individual with intellectual and other disabilities. [Buy Me] |
Best Pals: Working with Children with Learning Challenges, Stanely Greenspan
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Big Brother Dustin, Alden R. Carter Photos by Dan Young
A photo-story about Dustin, a young boy with Down syndrome, and the arrival of a new baby sister. [Buy Me] |
Bilingualism and Special Education : Issues in Assessment and Pedagogy, Jim Cummins
This valuable data-based work should be read by everyone involved in special education. It raises a number of important and timely questions about diagnostic methods and tests as well as appropriate classroom structure and curricula. [Buy Me] |
Breakthrough Parenting for Children with Special Needs, Judy Winter
Written by the mother of a boy with cerebral palsy, this book is full of information about special needs parenting that focuses on positive parenting, while addressing everyday practical matters using a proven, motivational, how-to approach. [Buy Me] |
Brothers and Sisters--A Special Part of Exceptional Families; Special Part of Exceptional, Thomas Powell and Peggy Ogle
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Can't Your Child See? : A Guide for Parents and Professionals About Young Children Who Are, Eileen P. Scott, et al.
A guide for parents of visually impaired children. Practical guidelines for helping visually impaired children reach their full potential. [Buy Me] |
Caring for Children With Cerebral Palsy : A Team Approach, John P. Dormans and Louis Pellegrino (Editors)
Provides detailed information on a multitude of issues, including: definitions, diagnosis, prognosis, health maintenance, preventive care, orthopedics, feeding and nutrition, daily living skills, family, school, and community roles and much more. [Buy Me] |
Caring for Infants & Toddlers in Groups : Developmentally Appropriate Practice, J. Ron Lally
This popular guide is designed to help caregivers, program directors, coordinators, administrators, families and leaders in the field of early care and education recognize the special knowledge and skills needed to offer a nurturing group care environment to very young children. [Buy Me] |
Caring for Your Child with Severe Food Allergies, Lisa Cipriano Collins
Subtitled "Emotional Support and Practical Advice from a Parent Who's Been There" this book is designed to help parents deal with their child's food allergy. [Buy Me] |
Cerebral Palsy; A Complete Guide for Caregiving, Freeman Miller, M.D. et al (Editors)
A comprehensive text and invaluable reference source. Offering sound professional advice with a caring commitment to do what's best for a child with cerebral palsy. [Buy Me] |
Changed by a Child : Companion Notes for Parents of a Child With a Disability, Barbara Gill
Traces the stages of the family experience of disability, covering more than 200 topics with inspirational quotations and meditations that tackle a host of personal, practical, and psychological issues, and more. [Buy Me] |
Changed by a Child: Companion Notes for Parents of a Child with a Disability, Barbara Gill
Parenting is always tough, but parenting a child with disabilities, serious injuries, or chronic illness can be a life-changing, profoundly disrupting experience. In Changed by a Child, Barbara Gill provides brief meditations and passages about the challenges, grief, faith, hope, and other feelings and experiences of parents who have a disabled child. Gill's son has Down syndrome, and she writes with the authority and credibility of a parent who has been through it herself. The brief pieces in this small, handsome book are divided into three sections: "In the Beginning," "Rounding the Curves," and "Transformed." It's a credit to Gill's experienced wisdom and her skills as a writer that this material never becomes sentimental or sugary. For those parents who feel alone, this book may serve as a kind and compassionate companion. [Buy Me] |
Child Care and the ADA : A Handbook for Inclusive Programs, Victoria Youcha Rab et al.
Designed for educators and administrators in childcare settings, this how-to-guide offers a straightforward discussion of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and including children with disabilities in community programs. [Buy Me] |
Childhood Cancer: A Parent's Guide to Solid Tumor Cancers, Honna Janes-Hodder and Nancy Keene
A guide filled with medical facts that are simply explained, advice eases daily lives, and tools to help parents become stronger advocates for their child. [Buy Me] |
Childhood Feeding Disorders : Biobehavioral Assessment and Intervention, Jurgen Horst Kedesdy and Karen S. Budd
Detailed case studies illustrate individualized assessments, causal analyses, interventions, and outcomes for a range of childhood feeding disorders, including extreme selectivity, food refusal, failure to thrive, developmental feeding disorders, rumination, and obesity. Material on specific disorders reviews terminology, prevalence data, etiological factors, diagnostic criteria, and treatment options. For child health care providers and feeding specialists. [Buy Me] |
Childhood Leukemia : A Guide for Families, Friends & Caregivers (Patient-Centered Guides), Nancy Keene
The definitive source of information on childhood leukemia that includes information on treatments, advice on how to cope with procedures, as well as stories from families that have already gone down this path. [Buy Me] |
Childhood Traumatic Brain Injury : Diagnosis, Assessment,, Erin D. Bigler, et al.
A well balenced and comprehensive treatise on childhood traumatic brain injury. Covers a wide variety of issues surrounding brain injury in children from social expectations to assessment of skills. [Buy Me] |
Children With Autism : A Parents' Guide, Michael D., Psy.D. Powers (Editor)
Completely revsed and updated edition covers a multitude of special concerns, including daily and family life, early intervention, educational programs, legal rights, advocacy, and look at the years ahead with a chapter on adults with autism. [Buy Me] |
Children With Cerebral Palsy : A Parents' Guide, Elaine Geralis (Editor)
Considered to be the first book that families should read, now completely updated. Provides comprehensive coverage of the concerns and issues central to giving children a head start on achieving independence as they strive to lead rewarding lives. [Buy Me] |
Children With Disabilities, Mark L. Batshaw (Editor)
A medical primer for parents and professionals. Over 200 detailed illustrations, an extensive glossary, and a section on syndromes. [Buy Me] |
Children With Fragile X Syndrome : A Parents' Guide, Jayne Dixon Weber (Editor)
Offers up-to-dat information on recent breakthroughs in research and effective treatments, therapies, and educational strategies for children with fragile X syndrome. [Buy Me] |
Children With Mental Retardation : A Parents' Guide (The Special Needs Collection), Romayne Smith (Editor)
For parents of children with mild to moderate mental retardation, this book provides a complete and compassionate introduction to their child's medical, therapeutic, and educational needs, and discusses the emotional impact on the family. [Buy Me] |
Children With Spina Bifida : A Parent's Guide, Marlene Lutkenhoff, R.N., M.S.N. (Editor)
In one comprehensive volume this text gives parents the facts and confidence that they need to be proactive and positive about their child's condition and future. [Buy Me] |
Children With Visual Impairments : A Parents' Guide (The Special-Needs Collection), M. Cay Holbrook (Editor)
Designed to help parents get a handle on common types of concerns. Written by a team of professional and parents, each of whom is an expert on a different aspect of caring for children with visual impairments. [Buy Me] |
Children and Youth Assisted by Medical Technology in Educational Settings : Guidelines for, Stephanie Porter (Editor)
A collaborative, interactive process involving parents, students, teachers, lawyers, nurses and doctors has created this new second edition that reflects the reality in schools, the tension, the dilemmas, the weakness, and the strengths. [Buy Me] |
Children with Acquired Brain Injury, George H. S. Singer, et al. (Editors)
The authors use real-life examples to show you how to help families: find appropriate educational, vocational, and rehabilitation programs for their children; equip their children for a smooth transition form high school to college or the work world; meet the needs of siblings; and ensure more successful school experiences. [Buy Me] |
Children with Disabilities, 4th Ed., Mark L. Batshaw and Yvonne M. Perret
For personal, professional or academic use, this informative classic has a place on the desk of everyone who works with, cares for, or loves a child with disabilities. [Buy Me] |
Children with Facial Difference, Hope Charkins, M.S.W
This accessible book discusses conditions such as cleft lip, cleft palate, and Treacher Collins, Apert, and Crouzon syndromes, and more. Parents learn about the diagnostic process, interdisciplinary treatment approach, education, speech and language issues, and how to help their child and family adjust emotionally. [Buy Me] |
Children with Traumatic Brain Injury, Lisa Schoenbrodt
This is a comprehensive resource for families and professionals working with children and adolescents who have sustained a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Editor Schoenbrodt, chair of the department of speech pathology/audiology at Loyola College and a speech and language pathologist specializing in the treatment of children with TBI and language-learning disabilities, presents a lengthy but very readable overview. Ten chapters, all written by medical specialists, educators, and a lawyer, cover a broad range of issues relating to medical treatment; coping and adjustment; the effects on cognition, speech, and language; the resulting behaviors and their modification; educational needs; and legal concerns. [Buy Me] |
Choices in Deafness: A Parent's Guide to Communication options, Sue Schwartz, Ph.D. (Editor)
A useful aid in choosing the appropriate communication option for a child with a hearing loss. Experts present the following communication options: Auditory-Verbal Approach, Bilingual-Bicultural Approach, Cued Speech, Oral Approach, and Total Communication. This new edition explains medical causes of hearing loss, the diagnostic process, audiological assessment, and cochlear implants. Children and parents also offer their personal experiences. [Buy Me] |
Collaborative Teams for Students with Severe Disabilities, Beverly Rainforth and Jennifer York-Barr
This book's second edition provides in-depth guidance on assesment, curriculum development, and intruction for students with severe disabilities. Includes updated information on changes in practices, legislation, and terminology. [Buy Me] |
Communication Skills in Children With Down Syndrome : A Guide for Parents (Topics in Down, Libby Kumin, Ph.D.
Provides parents with a wealth of information about speech and language development in children with Down syndrome. [Buy Me] |
Computer Resources for People With Disabilities : A Guide to Exploring Today's Assistive, Alliance for Technology Access
A guide to exploring today's assistive technology. A guide to maneuvering the growing world of computers, both the mainstream and assistive technology [Buy Me] |
Computer and Web Resources for People With Disabilities : A Guide to Exploring Today's, The Alliance for Technoogy Access
This newly expanded book describes how to make use of conventional and assistive technologies, and explains how to determine needs. An indispensable resource guide, it lists funding sources, government programs, publications, and technology vendors. [Buy Me] |
Consumers Guide to Home Adaptation, The Adaptive Environment Center
Dedicated to eliminating the barriers that confront people with disabilities. [Buy Me] |
Decision Making in Pediatric Neurologic Physical Therapy, Suzann K. Campbell (Editor)
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Delicate Threads : Friendships Between Children With and Without Special, Debbie Staub
An insightful guide to how children's friendships unfold when one child is developmentally disabled. Includes case studies from research conducted by the author, and help for parents hoping to understand and encourage these potentially life-enriching relationships.
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Designing and Using Assistive Technology : The Human Perspective, David B. Gray et al. (Editors)
What goes into the design, choice, and use of assistive technology (AT)? This book shows you, by bringing together the expertise of researchers, theorists, and practitioners, as well as personal insights from AT users of all ages. [Buy Me] |
Developing Outcome Strategies in Children's Mental Health (Systems of Care for Children's Mental Health), by Mario, Ph.D. Hernandez and Sharon, Ph.D. Hodges
Like the population it serves, the children's mental health services field is experiencing growing pains--in terms of defining and productively applying outcome measures. These 14 chapters by US experts examine current issues and frameworks for accountability and change; case studies and field experiences; tools, methods, and strategies; and linking outcomes to quality and utilization. The editors are at the U. of South Florida, where a 1998 retreat focused on these issues. [Buy Me] |
Development of Mature Walking (Clinics in Developmental Medicine, No 104/105), David H. Sutherland and Richard A. Olshen
Summarizes comprehensive study on the maturation of walking in normal children. Research involved over 400 studies on a total of nearly 300 children in ten age-groups from one to seven years. Data are presented on anthropometric measurements; tests of developmental progress; time/distance parameters; dynamic electromyography of phasic activity in seven lower-extremity muscle groups; and force measurements. At each age, composite joint-angle graphs and time/distance parameters are brought together with film tracings of a representative child in that age group. Practical applications are demonstrated in a chapter devoted to two case studies. [Buy Me] |
Developmental Disabilities in Infancy and Childhood : Neurodevelopmental Diagnosis and, Arnold J. Capute, MD and Pasquale J. Accardo, MD (Editors)
Second edition, now in two volumes rather than one, contains some 30 new chapters addressing a greatly increased number of topics and range of issues, from a variety of disciplines. First volume offers discussion of general issues in the theory, assessment, and treatment of developmental disabilities. Highlights include discussion of the scientific basis of developmental pediatrics, etiologies, and patient care issues, as well as an extensive treatment of brain development; up-to-date neurodevelopmental screening and assessment techniques; suggestions for clinical application of recent research; details about the expanding role of computer technology; and insight into the shift toward family-focused intervention. [Buy Me] |
Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics, Melvin D. Levine et al. (Editors)
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Dictionary of Developmental Disabilities Terminology, Pasquale J. Accardo (Editor)
This encyclopedic multidisciplinary reference provides fast, reliable answers to your terminology questions. Enhance your communication with patients, families, and other medical professionals. [Buy Me] |
Disability is Natural, Kathie Snow
In this user-friendly book, parents learn revolutionary common sense techniques for raising successful children with disabilities. When we recognize that disability is a natural part of the human experience, new attitudes lead to new actions for successful lives at home, in school and in communities. Readers will learn how to define a child by his or her assets -instead of a disability-related "problem," and how to create new and improved partnerships with educators, health care professionals, family and friends. [Buy Me] |
Easy for You to Say : Q & As for Teens Living With Chronic Illness or Disability, Miriam Kaufman
A synopsis from the Health Care Transition for Youth with Special Needs listserv calls this book " A straightforward, non-judgmental, honest book of advice for teenagers with a wide range of (conditions)--covers such subjects as growing up, sex, and drugs." [Buy Me] |
Educating Students Who Have Visual Impairments With Other Disabilities, Sharon Sacks and Rosanne K. Silberman (Editors)
Practical and informative, this multi-disciplinary text shows you how to develop effective educational strategies for students who have visual impairments with other disabilities, including hearing impairments, learning disabilities, orthopedic disabilities, neurological disabilities, and emotional and behavior disorders. [Buy Me] |
Embracing the Monster : Overcoming the Challenges of Hidden Disabilities, Veronica Crawford and Larry B. Silver
An account of the author's life experiences with learning disabilities, bipolar disorder, ADHD, dyslexia, and sensory integrative disorder. Each chapter concludes with a commentary from noted expert, Dr. Larry B. Silver. [Buy Me] |
Enhancing Early Emotional Development : Guiding Parents of Young Children, Jean Wixson, Phd Gowen, and Judith Brennan Nebrig
Psychologist Wixson and social worker Nebrig offer a guide to colleagues in their fields and other helping professions to advising parents on how to enhance the emotional development of their children, especially parents whose parenting is challenged by various personal and family difficulties. [Buy Me] |
Everybody Has A Song, Evan and Barbara Chesler
This video, featuring Henry Winkler, successful actor, advocate, producer and children's book author, explains learning disabilities to children. In the video Winkler uses examples of very successful people that children know to model success in spite of LD.
Winkler also motivates children to be successful, and to develop their unique strengths. The video also lets other children learn how to value the learning styles of all students- even those who learn differently. "Everybody has a Song" should be included in all classrooms, and it should be a "must see" for all children. [Buy Me] |
Everybody's Different : Understanding and Changing Our Reactions to Disabilities, Nancy B. Miller, Ph.D., M.S.W., and Catherine C. Sammons, Ph.D., M.S.W
The authors explore how our reactions to and beliefs about disabilities influence our progress toward an inclusive society and share their innovative approach to becoming more at ease with the concept of disability. With specific interaction tips, this enlightening guide gives us practical ways to improve our personal, professional, and community relationships. [Buy Me] |
Exemplary Practices for Beginning Communicators, Reichle
US, Canadian, and Irish specialists in augmentative and alternative communications (AAC) in a number of fields offer advice to practitioners on developing communication with people suffering from congenital disabilities for whom normal vocal speech is impossible or difficult. They emphasize the importance of developmentally and chronologically appropriate clinical and educational practices, acknowledging that people with multiple disabilities present challenges that may require fancy footwork. [Buy Me] |
Extraordinary Friends (Let's Talk About It), Fred Rogers, Jim Judkis (Photographer)
A children's book from "Mister Rogers" that talks about how to befriend children with disabilities even if they walk, talk, or behave in ways considered different from the norm. [Buy Me] |
Failure to Thrive and Pediatric Undernutrition : A Transdiciplinary Approach, Danile B. Kesler, M.D. and Peter Dawson, M.D., M.P.H
Thirty-seven contributions from a variety of disciplines discuss the condition of infants and young children, generally three years and younger, who fail to grow as expected based on established growth standards for age and gender. The sections detail underlying causes such as nutrition and feeding, the traditional medical aspects of undernutrition, child development issues, clinician issues, community services, and social policies. The appendices include growth charts, questionnaires, methods of assessing feeding, and family interactions. [Buy Me] |
Fatherneed: Why Father Care is as Essential as Mother Care for Your Child, Kyle D. Pruett
Told through real-life stories from a long-term study of intact families, tihs book makes ther strong case that not onlyh do children like their father's attention but they need the specific care and nuturing only a father can give in order to develop socially, emotionally, behaviorally and intellectually. [Buy Me] |
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome : A Guide for Families and Communities, Ann Pytkowicz Streissguth
In this book for parents and professionals who work to help children with fetal alcohol syndrome and effects (FAS/FAE), Streissguth (psychiatry and behavioral science, U. of Washington) offers an overview of the condition, and discusses the diagnostic process, research conducted since the syndrome was first recognized in 1973, and strategies for prevention. Her suggestions for helping those with FAS/FAE focus on needs across the life-span and on the advocacy model for helping. She includes a resource list. [Buy Me] |
Fine Motor Skills in Children With Down Syndrome, Maryanne Bruni
An invaluable resource for families and professionals, and a great companion to the previously published book, Gross Motor Skills in Children with Down Syndrome. The author's suggestions for encouragement of fine motor skill development make use of common household materials that are accessible to all families. Of particular interest are the 'Grandma's and Grandpa's Lists' at the end of most chapters, which give gift ideas that are fun as well as educational. [Buy Me] |
Forgotten Generation : The Status and Challenges of Adults With Mild Cognitive Limitations, Alexander J., Ph.D. Tymchuk, K. Charlie, Ph.D. Lakin, and Ruth Luckasson
This college-level survey of the status and problems of adults who suffer from mild cognitive limitations continues the dialogue begin in the 'Six-Hour Retarded Child' report, published over 25 years ago by the President's Committee on Mental Retardation. Forgotten Generation surveys the daily challenges these mildly retarded adults face in everyday life, from employment to health and community living. An excellent guide. [Buy Me] |
Fragile Success: Ten Autistic Children, Childhood to Adulthood. (Second Edition), Virginia Walker Sperry, M.A
If you have lived or worked with a child with autism, you've wondered what the child will be like as an adult - how the child will develop and learn to live independently. In this uncommon book, you'll get a rare view of autism in all its variations as former teacher Virginia Sperry traces the lives of her students over 30 years. [Buy Me] |
From the Heart : On Being the Mother of a Child With Special Needs, Martha Grady and Jayne D. Marsh
Nine mothers explore the intense, sometimes painful, emotional terrain of raising children with special needs in eye-opening narratives developed from their parent support group meetings. The children who shape these women's lives have disabilities that include autism, Down syndrome, Tourette syndrome, ADD, and multiple disabilities. From the Heart is organized around several themes: relationships with professionals; family life and school issues; and issues about the "self" and closest friends and family. [Buy Me] |
Functional Curriculum for Elementary, Middle, and Secondary Age Students With Special, Paul Wehman and John Kregel
A much needed new resource on developing, implementing, and maintaining functional curricula for children and youth. a necessary tool for every educator. [Buy Me] |
Fundamentals of Pediatric Orthopedics (2nd Edition), Lynn T. Staheli
Designed to serve as a ready reference for pediatricians, primary care physicians and orthopedists. Features 454 full-color drawings and photographs and 280 black-and-white illustrations, strategically integrated with succinct and readable text. Provides a collection of parent education materials--including a full-color guide for a child's hospitalization--that can be copied and used as handouts. [Buy Me] |
Genetics and Mental Retardation Syndromes: A New Look at Behavior and Interventions, Elisabeth Dykens, Robert Hodapp, Brenda Finucane
New genetic causes of mental retardation are being discovered at a rapid rate- every day more people are diagnosed with specific syndromes. This comprehensive and timely guide identifies characterics of people who have these syndromes to help you understand their behaviors and their needs. [Buy Me] |
Gross Motor Skills in Children With Down Syndrome : A Guide for Parents and Professionals, Patricia C. Winders
A how-to guide for meeting the challenges Down syndrome presents for gross motor developments, coordination of large muscle groups and the sequencing of movements in young children. This book provides guidance for parents children ages birth through 6 years. [Buy Me] |
Guiandose Por La Intrincada Senda De La Educacion Especial : Una Guia Para Padres Y, Winifred Anderson et al.
Una gran ayuda para los padres de familia Latinos con hijos que tienen necesidades especiales que estan buscando informacion y orientacion en el sistema de educacion especial. [Buy Me] |
Handbook of Career Planning for Students With Special, Thomas F. Harrington
An essential aid to any person with special needs seeking employment. Helps to identify goals, job information, and other various skills needed in the workforce. [Buy Me] |
Handbook of Pediatric Physical Therapy, Toby M. Long and Holly Lea Cintas
A succinct yet comprehensive reference handbook covering virtually all major topics in pediatric physical therapy practice. Includes growth and development, biomechanics, genetic disorders; clincal measures and standardized tests; pediatric orthopedic, neurological and cardiopluomonary disorders; adaptive equipment; posture and gait; and adminstrative issues including progral planning, goal setting, reimbursement and regulatory requirements.
[Buy Me] |
Handling the Young Cerebral Palsied Child at Home, Nancie R. Finnie and Nancy Finnie
A practical manual for children ages up to five years old. Explores parent's central role; includes answers to many common questions, provides practical suggestions for the handling of a child's routine activities. [Buy Me] |
Handling the Young Child With Cerebral Palsy at Home, Nancie R. Finnie
Practical manual for parents and other caregivers, explaining medical aspects of the condition, answering questions, and suggesting ways to help children accomplish routine activities. The word "handling" in the title is meant literally, with chapters on teaching methods emphasizing innovative ways parents can position and support a child to help him practice newly acquired motor skills throughout the day. Includes information on equipment and on how to make seats and mobility aids, plus addresses of vendors and social service providers in the UK. Third edition reflects the latest ideas on therapeutic intervention, and the shift to home-based or community care. [Buy Me] |
Hearing Impaired Infants: Support in the First Eighteen Months, Jacqueline Stokes (Editor)
Among the issues addresed in this volume, you will find: overview of hearing loss in early childhood; details on the latest technology available in hearing aids, including cochlear implants; practical, current information on school options and placements. [Buy Me] |
Howie Helps Himself, Joan Fassler Pictures by J. Lasker
Designed to help the child with a disability and the sibling identify with some of the joys, stresses and strains of a disability. [Buy Me] |
Hydrocephalus: A Guide for Patients, Families, and Friends, Chuck Toporek and Kellie Robinson
An excellent book that provides the necessary information for a family to selecta skilled neurosurgeon, understand the situation, participate fully in the care of the child, and many other important tools. [Buy Me] |
I Can Sign My ABC's, Susan Chaplin Illustrated by Laura McCaul
Full-color picture book with 26 signs- one for each letter-with manual alphabet hand shape, a picture, the name, and sign of a simple object beginning with that letter. Ideal book for teaching young children the alphabet. [Buy Me] |
I'm Deaf and It's Okay (A Concept Book), Lorraine Aseltine Photographs by Evelyn Mueller
[Buy Me] |
I'm the Big Sister Now, Michelle Emmert Illustrated by Gail Owen
How the loving care of family and friends can influence and benefit the quality of life for children with mental retardation and/or physical disabilities. [Buy Me] |
If You've Ever Wanted to Crawl in the Closet With an Oreo: Tips for Parenting a Child With Special Needs, Martha Kate Downey
Martha Kate Downey, the mother of a child who has been given a laundry list of neurological diagnoses, has written a soothing, gentle and helpful volume for parents and caregivers who are just learning about and adjusting to life with a special needs child. The book's focus is on special needs kids who have been diagnosed with neurological or autistic spectrum disorders such as Asperger Syndrome, HFA or Tourette Syndrome, but certainly not exclusive to that cluster of differences (or "flavors" as Downey would say). While not a scholarly or research-oriented work, those who are struggling to help a special needs child and communicate with teachers, doctors, counselors, social workers, etc., will find Downey's work full of practical, take-a-deep-breath advice from someone who has been through the process from discovery to diagnoses to problem solving. Even a parent who has been coping with a child's special needs diagnosis for several years will find valuable reminders about the importance of taking care of his or her own needs, as well as strategies for coping with the changing needs of a growing, special needs child. [Buy Me] |
Improving the Communication of People With Down Syndrome, Jon Miller, Mark Leddy, Lewis A. Leavitt
This groundbreaking book indentifies communcation milestones and describes a systematic approach you can use to predict speech and language growth in people with Down syndrome. [Buy Me] |
In Time and With Love : Caring for the Special Needs Baby, Marilyn Segal, Ph.D.
For families and caregivers of preterm and handicapped children in their first three years. More than 100 tips on adjusting and coping, nursing, dressing, social skills, games and activities, discipline, decision making, and much more. [Buy Me] |
Including Students With Severe and Multiple Disabilities in Typical Classrooms : Practical Strategies for Teachers, June E., Phd Downing, Joanne Eichinger, and Maryann Demchak
Dr. Downing offers teachers practical information in sections devoted to
each stage of education from preschool to high school & within each section offers specific tips on how to modify both the environment & the curriculum. She also addresses common concerns such as dealing with disruptive behavior & a lack of adequate planning time or support staff resources. [Buy Me] |
Inclusion : 450 Strategies for Success : A Practical Guide for All Educators Who Teach, Peggy A. Hammeken
Includes step by step guidelines to help tailor an inclusive education program or improve and expand existing inclusive education programs.Arranged by topic for quick reference. [Buy Me] |
Inclusive Child Care for Infants and Toddlers : Meeting Individual and Special Needs, Marion O'Brien
This educational book gives child care providers the practical guidance they need to serve infants and toddlers with and without disabilities in an inclusive setting. Students preparing for careers in child care and professionals working in settings that welcome children of all abilities will find this resource to be a valuable tool for providing high-quality services to their young clients. [Buy Me] |
Infants and Toddlers in Out-Of-Home Care, Debby Cryer, Thelma Harms
This thorough and evidence-based text gives you all the critical information you need to develop the best out-of-home child care for children in their first three years. [Buy Me] |
Interdisciplinary Clinical Assessment of Young Children With Developmental Disabilities, Michael J. Guralnick, Ph.D.
Features case studies that offer an inside look at how team members from various disciplines bring together biological, societal, and cultural factors to design beneficial intervention plans for children and their families. [Buy Me] |
Introduction to Clinical Methods in Communication Disorders, Paul, Rhea Paul, Cox, Brian J. Gleberzon, and Nicholas P. Jones
An introductory textbook to the processes, settings, and issues involved in clinical practice in speech, hearing, and language disorders. The contributors, a mix of practicing clinicians and academics, present information on ethical issues, principle s of assessment and intervention, interviewing and counseling, public policies affecting clinical practice, issues of cultural and linguistic diversity, the use of technology, and family-centered practices. [Buy Me] |
Just This Side of Normal : Glimpses into Life With Autism, Elizabeth K. Gerlach
In this collection of vignettes about raising a child with autism, Elizabeth King Gerlach writes with tenderness, humor, grace, honesty and a calm good sense. She is able to convey the confusions, distress, and yearnings of a parent deeply worried about her son, but also the moments of sheer joyfulness at watching this engagingly 'different' child grow and learn. [Buy Me] |
Keys to Parenting a Child With Attention Deficit Disorder (Parenting Keys), Barry E. McNamara and Francine J. McNamara
Newest in the popular Barron's Parenting Keys series. Attention Deficit Disorder, also known as ADD, is a complex problem for parents and educators. This book shows how to work with the child's school, effectively manage the child's behavior, and act as the child's advocate. There are also answers to the most commonly-asked questions about the disorder. [Buy Me] |
Keys to Parenting a Child With a Learning Disability (Barron's Parenting Keys), Barry E. McNamara and Francine J. McNamara
A practical course of action for parents who suspect a learning disability in their child. Includes methods of special education, and integration into community activities. [Buy Me] |
Keys to Parenting the Child With Autism (Barron's Parenting Keys), Marlene Targ Brill
Parents of children with autism will find answers to many of their most pressing questions in this volume--part of the helpful Barron's Parenting Keys series. The book covers advice on medication and nutrition, behavior management, legal rights to early intervention programs, educational placement, assistive technology, and other resources for children with autism. [Buy Me] |
Kids with Special Needs, Veronica Getskow & Dee Konczal
Provides "information and activities to promote awareness and understanding," this book helps teachers, parents, people with disabilities, and even trainers. One section defines major areas of disabilities, others offer suggestions for incorporating kids with special needs into groups. Some activities dispel myths, others provide insight to having disabilities. A bibliography suggests resources and opportunities to get involved. [Buy Me] |
Learning Disabilities and Challenging Behaviors : A Guide to Intervention and Classroom Management, Sam Goldstein Ph.D. and Nancy Mather Ph.D.
Building Blocks model provides an innovative framework to help educators understand the reasons why students in K-12 struggle and provides proven strategies to help students learn.
The Building Blocks model is practical, supported by research, and easy to implement. It identifies ten areas important to school success (the building blocks), divided into three levels: the foundational level includes attention and impulse control,emotion and behavior, self-esteem, and learning environment blocks; the symbolic processing and memory level contains the visual,auditory, and motor skills blocks; and the conceptual level comprises using strategies and thinking with language and images. A detailed questionnaire for each block helps identify a student's strengths and limitations, cultivate their strengths, address the weaker areas, and develop appropriate accommodations and instructional interventions. Each chapter contains proven teacher strategies to give educators direct information to meet students' individual needs. Once educators understand the causes of students'classroom challenges, educators can design individualized and effective interventions. [Buy Me] |
Life As We Know It : A Father, a Family, and an Exceptional Child, Michael Berube
An engaging personal account of raising a son with Down syndrome, by a loving father for whom the experience raises serious questions about the nature of social justice, natural rights, and our obligations to one another. [Buy Me] |
Lives in Progress : Case Stories in Early Intervention, P.J. McWilliam, Ph.D.
Features 20 "unsolved" case stories based on actual work experiences of early interventionists accross the country. [Buy Me] |
Living With Spina Bifida : A Guide for Families and Professionals, Adrian Sandler, M.D.
Beginning with a clinical overview of the condition, chapters are arranged according to the developmental stages of life from birth to adulthood. Includes helpful glossary, listing of spina bifida associations and suggestions for further reading. [Buy Me] |
Living With a Brother or Sister With Special Needs : A Book for Sibs, Patricia Vadasy
[Buy Me] |
Looking After Louis, Lesley Ely
Louis has autism, but through imagination, kindness, and a special game of soccer, his classmates find a way to join him in his world. Then they can include Louis in theirs. [Buy Me] |
Mealtime Participation Guide, Marsha Dunn Klein and Suzanne Evans Morris
[Buy Me] |
Medical and Health Information Directory 1999 : A Guide to Organizations,, Directories of National Organizations, Associations, Products and Service
Our largest and most valuable reference tool for parents and professionals. Includes special section on accessible theme and amusement parks. [Buy Me] |
Meeting Early Intervention Challenges : Issues from Birth to Three, Lawrence J. Johnson, et al. (Editors)
Essential to early interventionists, early childhood educators, and service providers in their efforts to meet the requirements of federal legislation and deliver quality services to children and families. [Buy Me] |
Meeting the Needs of Students With Special Physical and Health Care Needs, Jennifer Leigh Hill, Ann Castel Davis
The authors of this mook examine the implications of special physical and ehatlh needs in a way that is practical, informative, and applicable in today's school. [Buy Me] |
Meeting the Physical Therapy Needs of Children, Susan Effgen,
Edited by Susan Effgen. [Buy Me] |
Mild Traumatic Brain Injury : A Clinician's Guide, Michael J. Raymond
An innovative text that addresses the medical, legal, and rehabilitation issues surrounding mild brain injury. It serves as a clinical guide to assessment, diagnosis and treatment of problems associated with mild brain injury. [Buy Me] |
Mosby's Resource Guide to Children With Disabilities and Chronic Illness, Helen M. Wallace (Editor)
Covers legislation, financing, public programs, demographics, trends, and goals for quality care. Discusses the actual therapeutic services needed by children with chronic illness and disabilities. Describes over 20 chronic conditions using a standardized format for quick reference and assessment. Provides an up-to-date- list of important resources for special needs children: national support groups, government programs, essential health care resource options, and more. [Buy Me] |
My Brother, Matthew, Mary Thompson
When a child with disabilities is born into a family, life typically shifts of focus on this child's special needs. Siblings often have difficulty adjusting and feel left out. This realistic and compassionate tale tells what happens and what it is like. [Buy Me] |
My Buddy, Audrey Osofsky
Buddy is the best dog a boy could have. Fully illustrated, this book demonstrates the desire of people with disabilities to be independent. [Buy Me] |
My Signing Book of Numbers, Patricia Bellan Gillen
This full-color picture book helps children learn their numbers in sign language. Each two-page spread has the appropriate number of things or creatures for the numbers 0 to 20. Signs for 30, 40, etc. to 100 and instructions on "how to" are included. [Buy Me] |
Negotiating the special education maze : a guide for parents and teachers, Winifred Anderson, et al.
An easy to understand, step by step guide for parents of children special needs and the teachers and professionals who assist them. [Buy Me] |
Neurologic Rehabilitation : A Guide to Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Treatment Planning, Virginia Mills and John W. Cassidy, MD (Editors)
Provides a foundation for understanding neurologic disorders that rehabilitation clinicians encounter in their patients, using a conceptual approach to rehabilitation called the 'neurologic rehabilitation model'. Chapters on various disorders follow this model to describe a systematic approach to diagnosis and prognosis and discuss specific examples of rehabilitative treatment strategies and methods, with case examples. Ideal as an introduction for students and a reference for professionals in physical and occupational therapy, speech pathology, neuropsychology, neurology, psychiatry, and social work. [Buy Me] |
Nick Joins In, Joe Lasker
A story about a yooung boy who uses a wheelchair and his first days at school.
While Nick wonders whether or not he'll fit in, he makes a good friend and ends up saving the day at recess. Recommended for ages 4-8. [Buy Me] |
Ni?os Autistas, Michael D. Powers, Ph.D
Esta guia, la cual se recomienda como el primer libro que deben leer los padres de familia, proporciona una introduccion completa y sensible al autismo y las maneras en que este puede afectar al ni?o/ni?a durante los primeros seis a?os de vida. Tambien describe el efecto del autismo en la vida familiar y la atencion diaria, y abarca temas importantes tales como educacion especial, defensa y derechos legales. [Buy Me] |
No One's Perfect, Hirotada Ototake
Ototake was born with no arms or legs, yet grew up in Japan living as normal and active a life as possible by dent of his own determination and the encouragement of his family and friends. In this first-person account, written for readers of all ages, Ototake recounts the day-to-day challenges of living without arms or legs. He describes his education at regular schools, where he gained acceptance of classmates and overcame the skepticism of the teaching staff. Fueled by an aggressive personality, Ototake participated in athletics, within the limits of his abilities, playing basketball in middle school and managing the footfall team in high school. In college, he faced the obstacles of facilities not designed to accommodate the disabled and began a career as an advocate for creating barrier-free environments in a nation that had ignored the disabled until recently. Ototake is unsentimental in his recollections of coping with a disability, challenging his limitations, dealing with curious reactions, and making a place for himself in society. [Buy Me] |
Nobody's Perfect : Living and Growing With Children Who Have Special Needs, Nancy B. Miller, Ph. D et al.
Practical and nonjudgmental, this book guides parents through the process of adapting to the challenges of children with special needs. Candid, inspiring, and often humorous reflections of four mothers who are raising children with disabilities are included throughout. [Buy Me] |
Nonfinite Loss and Grief : A Psychoeducational Approach, Elizabeth J. Bruce and Cynthia L. Schultz
Bruce (a counseling psychologist) and Schultz (public health, LaTrobe University) offer advice for counselors whose clients suffer persistent grief and continual disappointment. They suggest 14 therapeutic principles to help clients preserve their identity, regain control, and acknowledge the significance of the loss. They also describe the emotional, developmental, and behavioral factors that determine individual responses to loss. Complexities in the grieving process are also examined. [Buy Me] |
Occupational Therapy Evaluation for Children: A Pocket Guide, Denise F. Polit
[Buy Me] |
Occupational Therapy for Children (3rd Edition), Jane Case-Smith (Editor)
Divided into three sections: Section 1: Knowledge Base of Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics; Section 2: Occupational Therapy Assessment in Pediatrics; and Section 3: Occupational Therapy Intervention: Performance Areas. [Buy Me] |
One Child, Two Languages : a Guide for Preschool Educators of Children Learning English As a, Patton O. Tabors, Ed.D.
This idea-packed handbook will help you measure progress, work with parents, address individual differences, and foster the natural profression of second-language acquisition in young children. [Buy Me] |
Parenting a Child With Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Jane N. Hannah
Written by an educator and a social worker who parent children with AD/HD, this book teaches parents to work in a collaborative effort with the child and educators to overcome the disorder. Information is given on testing, diagnosis, and techniques for intervention. [Buy Me] |
Parents Guide to Downs Syndrome : Toward a Brighter Future, Siegfried M. Pueschel, M.D. (Editor)
Dr. Pueschel looks at important steps from infancy to adolescence. Readers are offered reassuring guidance and clear information to every family of a child with Down syndrome. [Buy Me] |
Pediatric Rehabilitation (3rd Expanded and Updated Edition), Gabriella E. Molnar, Michael A. Alexander
Integrates the principles of rehabilitation medicine with those of child development, both of which viewpoints are integrated in this volume. The first section addresses the adaptation of diagnostic methods to the changing needs and abilities of children; the second discusses specific disabilities. Updates the 1985 original edition. [Buy Me] |
Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury : Proactive Intervention, Jean Blosser and Roberta DePompei
This second edition presents a detailed approach to functional evaluation, treatment and management of children and adolescents with traumatic brain injury.
Written primarily for speech therapists, psychologists and allied health professionals, this text is a critical resource for rehabilitation programs and schools.
Contains many tables, charts and checklists to synthesize information and provide practical tools. [Buy Me] |
Pre-Feeding Skills: A Comprehensive Resource for Feeding Development, Suzanne Evans Morris, M.D
Therapy Skill Builders/The Psychological Corporation, San Antonio, TX [Buy Me] |
Preemies: The Essential Guide for Parents of Premature Babies, Dana Wechsler Linden, Emma Trenti-Paroli, and Mia Wechsler Doron
Preemies is the only resource of its kind -- a comprehensive "Dr. Spock"-like reference that is both reassuring and realistic, delivering up-to-the-minute information on medical care in a warm, caring, and engaging voice. Authors Dana Wechsler Linden and Emma Trenti Paroli are parents who have "been there." Together with neonatologist Mia Wechsler Doron, they answer the dozens of questions that parents will have at every stage -- from high-risk pregnancy through preemie's hospitalization, to homecoming and the preschool years -- imparting a vast, detailed store of knowledge in clear language that all readers can understand. [Buy Me] |
Preschool Education Programs for Children With Autism, Sandra L. Harris and Jan S. Handleman (Editors)
An especially helpful text for those who are considering creating a classroom to serve these children. It is also a checklist to ensure that the services currently offered are state of the art. [Buy Me] |
Preschool Inclusion, Claire C. Cavallaro, Ph.D., and Michele Haney, Ph.D.
This accessible manual provides you with ready-to-use, field-tested strategies for including young children with disabilities in early childhood programs. [Buy Me] |
Princess Pooh, Kathleen M. Muldoon Illustrated by Linda Shute
A sibling secretly dubs her sister "Princess Pooh" because she sits on her "throne with wheels" and gives orders. An honest look at some universal feelings. [Buy Me] |
Promoting Social Communication : Children With Developmental Disabilities from Birth to Adolescence (Communication and Language Intervention Series, 1, Howard, Phd Goldstein, and Louise A. Kaczmarek
This book provides foundations for the application of intervention designs to enhance the development of communication skills across the life span. It includes four case study chapters showing creative applications and strategies. For psychologists and special educators. [Buy Me] |
Reflections from a Different Journey : What Adults with Disabilities Wish All Parents Knew, Stanley Klein, John Kemp
Offers parents of children with disabilities inspiration and advice from those who've been there. Reflections from a Different Journey presents 40 stories by successful adults who grew up with disabilities. They provide insights into what it is like to persevere in the face of community prejudices, and what it takes for families and children with disabilities to work together toward fulfillment.
[Buy Me] |
Rehabilitation Medicine: Principles and Practices (3rd Ed.), Joel A. Delisa et al. (Editors)
A hefty, comprehensive text comprising 71 contributed chapters covering both basic principles and practical techniques of patient management, for medical students, physiatrists and other physicians interested in rehabilitation medicine, and the broad range of allied health professionals who work with physically impaired people. The volume covers the principles of diagnosis and evaluation, management methods, major rehabilitation problems, and rehabilitation of specific disorders. [Buy Me] |
Retarded Isn't Stupid, Mom!, Sandra Z. Kaufman
What is it like to grow up mentally retarded? Relatively few titles explore the realities of rearing and living with mild mental retardation: Kaufman charts her child's road to independence through a heartwarming story which begins with a diagnosis and leads to a mother's determination to help her child grow to an independent adult despite a tested intelligence at the 6-year-old level. [Buy Me] |
Rethinking Pull-Out Services in Early Intervention : A Professional Resource, R. A. McWilliam (Editor)
[Buy Me] |
Rolling Along With Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Cindy Meyers Illustrated by Carol Morgan
The classic tale retold with a special-needs twist. Here, Baby Bear uses a wheelchair, goes to physical therapy, and makes friends with Goldilocks. Lively, full-color illustrations, enhance this delightful story. [Buy Me] |
Rolling Along: The Story of Taylor and His Wheelchair, Jamee Riggio Heelan
Taylor and Tyler are twin brothers and best friends. But the twins are different in one significant way: Taylor has cerebral palsy, while Tyler does not. Through Taylor's eyes we see how much effort he must expend to strengthen his legs, which are weak. He explains how valuable his new wheelchair is because it helps him maneuver more easily and do the things he want to do, like go to school and play basketball with his brother Tyler. [Buy Me] |
Running a Team for Disabled Children & Their Families, Martin F. Robards
Describes ways of providing all the necessary specialist care while at the same time increasing the family's participation and understanding to its optimum level. Illustrated with a variety of case histories, the author demonstrates that a rigid structure can never meet these children's needs. Offers recommendations about record keeping, integrating voluntary support groups into the professionals' work, the location and layout of premises used by the professionals, and many other factors collectively critical to the efficient and humane delivery of this element of community care. [Buy Me] |
Russ and the Apple Tree Surprise, Janet E. Rickert with photography by Pete McGahan
A story about an energetic young boy with Down Syndrome who finds out how much fun an apple tree in hi back yard can be. [Buy Me] |
Russ and the Firehouse (Day With Russ), Janet Elizabeth Rickert
Russ, a five-year-old biy with Down syndrom, tags along with his Uncle Jerry, a fireman, during a day of work at a real firehouse. [Buy Me] |
Seeing Things My Way, Alden R. Carter
A fully illustrated book about Amanda and her visual impairment. Explains in easy to read text her experiences and expectations, including use of CCTV and Braille. [Buy Me] |
Sensory Integration and the Child, A. Jean Ayres
The book that started the sensory integration approach to child with special needs. [Buy Me] |
Siblings of Children with Autism, Sandra L. Harris, Ph.D.
An invaluable guide to understanding sibling relationships, how autism affects these relationships, and what families can do to support their children as they cope with the intensive needs of a child with autism. [Buy Me] |
Sibshops : Workshops for Siblings of Children With Special Needs, Donald J. Meyer et al.
Workshops for siblings of children with special needs. A practical resource that details Sibshops, the award-winning program that brings together 8-13 year-olds to express their feelings about having a brother or sister with disabilities. [Buy Me] |
Signs and Strategies for Educating Students With Brain Injuries : A Practical, Gary Wolcott et al.
A practical guide for teachers and schools. Guidelines, practical tips, and intervention strategies that enable parents and teachers to better understand the educational needs of children and adolescents with brain injuries. [Buy Me] |
Sleep Better! : A Guide to Improving Sleep for Children With Special Needs, V. Mark Durand, Ph.D
A guide to improving sleep for children with special needs. This book offers step-by-step, "how to" instructions for helping children with disabilities get the rest that they need. [Buy Me] |
Social Skills Development: Practical Strategies for Adolescents and Adults With Developmental Disabilities, Stephen J. Antonello
A comprehensive guide to help increase social skills in adolescents and adults with developmental disabilities and related conditions.
A useful resource to help adolescents make a succesful transition to adulthood. [Buy Me] |
Someone Special, Just Like You (An Owlet Book), Tricia Brown, Fran Ortiz (Photographer)
[Buy Me] |
Sparky's Excellent Misadventures : My A.D.D. Journal, Phyllis Carpenter and Marti Ford with illustrations by Peter Horjus
Told in first person diary format, Sparky's week in the life tale is optimistic and fun, including many valuable insights and ideas that can help kids with ADD and ADHD gain more control of their lives. [Buy Me] |
Special Children, Challenged Parents : The Struggles and Rewards of Raising a Child With a Disability, Robert A., Ph.D. Naseef
Naseef, a psychologist in Philadelphia and the father of an autistic child, has written a guide to help the parents and siblings of disabled children learn what to expect and how to cope with the challenge, particularly its emotional aspects. Naseef supplements the text with his own first-hand experiences and the stories of others he has interviewed in his research of parenting, with all the emotions these evoke. As a result, this volume is not cold and scientific--though it contains much useful advice--but strongly emotional and personal. [Buy Me] |
Spinabilities : A Young Person's Guide to Spina Bifida, Marlene Lutkenhoff, R.N., M.S.N, and Sonia G. Oppenheimer, M.D. (Editors)
Young people with spina bifida will learn answers to questions about managing life, positive attitude development, and goal setting to become independent. Parents will get overview about adolescent children with spina bifida. [Buy Me] |
Steps to Independence, Bruce Baker and Alan Brightman
A guidebook filled with proven, step-by-step strategies for teaching children with disabilities the life skills they'll need to live as independently as possible. [Buy Me] |
Strategies for Working With Families of Young Children With Disabilities, Paula J. Beckman (Editor)
In this strategy-packed text, authors address specific issues that early intervention workers come across in their daily work- issues like cultural diversity, conflicts with families, transitions to new programs, or the death of a child. [Buy Me] |
Strengthening Relationships When Our Children Have Special Needs: Growing Through the Challenge, Nick Martin
A book designed to help parents of children with special needs cope, communicate, and conquer problems as a couple. Includes a 6-week program to help couples strengthen their relationship. [Buy Me] |
Taking Diabetes to School, Kim Gosselin
This color illustrated book for elementary age children contains an instructive story of a grade-schooler with diabetes who tells his classmates about the disease and how he manages it. [Buy Me] |
Taking Food Allergies to School (Special Kids in School), Ellen Weiner
A book for ages 9-12 that teaches children about food allergy. [Buy Me] |
Taking Seizure Disorders to School, Kim Gosselin
Written for ages 4-8 this book is designed to teach children about seizures. [Buy Me] |
Teachers Ask About Sensory Integration: Audio Cassette and Companion Booklet, Stacey Szklut with Carol Stock Kranowicz
Carol Stock Kranowitz interviews expert occupational therapist Stacey Szklut about how to teach children with sensory integration problems. This full-length audio tape includes narration by public health physician Dr. David Silver. A 60-page companion booklet includes classroom checklists, idea sheets, sensory profiles, and extensive resources customized for the classroom teacher. [Buy Me] |
Teaching 4- to 8- Year Olds, Carollee Howes
This paperback provides early childhood educators with research-based information and developmentally appropriate teaching practices in classroom community, literacy, mathematics and multiculturalism.
Produced in conjunction with the National Center for Early Development and Learning. [Buy Me] |
Teaching Students With Mental Retardation : Providing Access to the General Curriculum, Michael L. Wehmeyer, Deanna J. Sands, H. Earle Knowlton, and Kozleski
The title states it all. [Buy Me] |
Teaching the Young Child With Motor Delays : A Guide for Parents and Professionals, Marci J. Hanson and Susan R. Harris
Provides information to parents on how motor development influences other areas of development. [Buy Me] |
That's My Child : Strategies for Parents of Children With Disabilities, Lizanne Capper and Lizanne Copper
Strategies for parents of children with disabilities. Required reading to help parents successfully navigate the maze of resources and services available for children with special needs. [Buy Me] |
The ABC's of Special Needs Planning Made Easy, Bart Stevens, ChLAP
A simple step by step comprehensive guide designed to help families and professionals plan for the future care, supervision, security, and quality of life for a person with special needs. The eight chapters address issues such as lifestyle, legal, financial needs, and government entitlements. Additional resource information available is also provided. [Buy Me] |
The Asq, Se User's Guide : For the Ages & Stages Questionnaires, Social-Emotional : A Parent-Completed, Child-Monitoring Program for Social-Emotional, Jane Squires, Diane D. Bricker, and Elizabeth Twombly
Squires, Diane Bricker, and Elizabeth Twombly (all of the Center on Human Development, U. of Oregon) present a series of eight simple-to-complete questionnaires designed to help a child's parents or other primary caregivers identify infants and young children whose social or emotional development requires further evaluation and/or intervention. The user's guide provides a detailed description of the questionnaires, which can be used at 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 48, and 60 month intervals. They address issues such as self-regulation, compliance, communication, adaptive functioning, autonomy, affect, and interaction with people. [Buy Me] |
The Autism Encyclopedia, John Neisworth and Pamela Wolfe
This A-Z encyclopedia for parents and professionals defindes more than 500 terms from various disciplines. [Buy Me] |
The Child Care Provider: Promoting Young Children's Development, Carol Klass
Along with the latest research and informaiton on child development, this resource is filled with practical case studies and vignettes depiciting child-caregiver interactions that helpyou learn to convert everyday situations into opportunites for teaching and development. [Buy Me] |
The Child With Special Needs : Encouraging Intellectual and Emotional Growth, Stanley Greenspan, and Serena Wieder
Covering a range of disabilities, the volume describes how to create an individual profile of a child's disabilities, the volume describes how to create an individual profile of a child's developmental level and functional abilities, including reponse to touch and sound, auditory processing, motor planning, and perceptual motor abilities in ordr to develop an apporpriate treatment program. [Buy Me] |
The Diplegic Child : Evaluation and Management, Michael D. Sussman (Editor)
[Buy Me] |
The Diverse Classroom Connecting for Student Success, Judith A Pauley
A guide to connecting, and teaching, different personality types in the classroom. [Buy Me] |
The Educator's Guide to Feeding Children with Disabilities, Dianne Lowman, Suzanne McKeever Murphy
Comprehensive and team-focused, this book provides you with the information you need to design and implement effective feeding plans for children with disabilities at school. [Buy Me] |
The Effectiveness of Early Intervention, Michael J. Guralnick Ph.D.
Summarizes and interprets research and program outcomes since the passage of PL 99-457 and provides much-needed direction for second-generation research in the field. [Buy Me] |
The Grandparent's and Other Relative Caregiver's Guides, Children's Defense Fund
The Children's Defense Fund has created four helpful guides, written specifically for kinship caregivers. The booklets are written in question and answer format and include information on important issues affecting the children in their care, federal programs, eligibility requirements, and how to enroll the children they are raising.
There are four booklets:
* Grandparent's and Other Relative Caregiver's Guide to Raising Children with Disabilities
* Grandparent's and Other Relative Caregiver's Guide to Child Care and Early Education Programs
* Grandparent's and Other Relative Caregiver's Guide to Food and Nutrition Programs for Children
* Grandparent's and Other Relative Caregiver's Guide to Health Insurance for Children
There is no charge for single copies of each guide.
To order please contact the Children's Defense Fund at (202) 662-3568 or [Buy Me] |
The Making of My Special Hand: Madison's Story, Jamee Riggio Heelan
Experience the curiosity and eager anticipation of Madison, a small girl born without her left hand, as she tells her story of being fitted for her "special" hand. Her helper hand, a prosthesis, will allow Madison to easily pick up toys, throw a ball, and carry her doll. This enlightening story offers a rare look at the making and fitting of a prosthesis, or in Madison's case, a helper hand. [Buy Me] |
The New Language of Toys : Teaching Communication Skills to Children With Special Needs : A, Joan E. Heller Miller and Sue Schwartz, Phd
Newly revised and updated edition of how-to-guide for using everyday toys to develop communication skills in children with disabilities and make playtime a fun, exciting, and educational experience. [Buy Me] |
The Out of Sync Child, Carol Stock Kranowitz
A popular book about sensory integration therapy and its ability to help children with sensory processing challenges. [Buy Me] |
The Paraprofessional's Guide to the Inclusive Classroom : Working As a Team, Mary Beth Doyle
This book is designed so paraprofessionals and the professionals they support can explore their relationships, roles, and responsibilities together. Many team-building activities and worksheets guide the team in defining the paraprofessional's responsibilities. Although the concepts aren't simple, the writing style is accessible to all readers. Perfect for community college courses and staff development for paraprofessionals. [Buy Me] |
The Parent to Parent Handbook : Connecting Families of Children With Special Needs, Betsy Santelli, Florence Stewart Poyadue, and Jane Leora Young
In communities around the world, Parent to Parent programs are matching parents seeking information and emotional support in one-to-one relationships with experienced parents whose children have similar disabilities. In this book two moms join forces with one of the leading experts on Parent to Parent programs to show you how these valuable programs work and can help you. [Buy Me] |
The People in a Girl's Life: How to Find Them, Better Understand Them and Keep Them (Dear Daughter), Martha Kate Downey, Kate Noelle Downey
Written for girls and young women who have difficulty understanding people around them, this book will help them to better comprehend family, friends, employers and many others they face every day. [Buy Me] |
The Premature Baby Book : A Parent's Guide to Coping and Caring in the First Years, Helen Harrison and Ann Kositsky
This supportive and comprehensive guide helps parents of premature babies deal with the emotional, medical and practical issues they face. Includes medical information, practical advice and personal accounts. [Buy Me] |
The Special Child : A Source Book for Parents of Children With Developmental Disabilities, Siegfried M. Pueschel et al.
This unique home reference-praised for lucid descriptions and explanations-includes specifics on the detection, prognosis, and treatment of various conditions. [Buy Me] |
The Special-Needs Reading List : An Annotated Guide to the Best, Wilma K. Sweeney
This ambitious sourcebook, a successor to the publisher's Reader's Guide for Parents of Children with Mental, Physical, or Emotional Disabilities [RBB S 1 90], seeks to carve out a niche for itself as a "where to look first" guide. Because of what the author calls "an information explosion in the sabilities field," the guide is selective rather than comprehensive. The books, newsletters, journals, and other information sources that are included were chosen because they are up to date, accurate, written for parents, and affordable. [Buy Me] |
The Transition Handbook: Strategies High School Teachers Use That Work, Carolyn Hughes, Erik Carter
With this new handbook, you'll have over 500 research-based, teacher-tested, transition support strategies at your fingertips- with plenty of options for tailoring approaches to individual student's needs and preferences. [Buy Me] |
Toilet Training for Individuals with Autism and Related Disorders, Maria Wheeler
Full of useful strategies to help children with autism become toilet trained. [Buy Me] |
Transition Education and Services for Adolescents With Disabilities, Patricia L. Sitlington, Gary M. Clark, Oliver P. Kolstoe
This book covers the transition of individuals with mild and moderate disabilities to all aspects of adult life. [Buy Me] |
Uncommon Fathers : Reflections on Raising a Child With a Disability, Donald J. Meyer (Editor)
Reflections on raising a child with a disability. A compelling collection by fathers who were asked to reflect and write about the life-altering experiences of having a child with a disability. [Buy Me] |
Views from Our Shoes : Growing Up With a Brother or Sister With Special Needs, Donald J. Meyer (Editor)
A useful book that normalizes the experience for siblings of children with disabilities. [Buy Me] |
Vocational Curriculum for Individuals With Special Needs: Transition from School to Adulthood, Paul Wehman (Editor), Pamela Sherron Targett (Editor)
[Buy Me] |
Waiting for Mr. Goose, Laurie Lears with Illustration by Karen Ritz
An inspiring story about a young boy with ADHD who creates an innovative plan to help a goose who has been caught by a hunting trap. [Buy Me] |
We'll Paint the Octopus Red, Stephanie Stuve-Bodeen and Pam Devito
When young Emma learns she'll have a new sibling soon, she thinks of all the activities she can do with the baby. But when her brother Isaac is born with Down syndrome, her father explains that she can probably do all of the activities she had planned, but that Isaac might require more time, patience, and help to do them. Illustrations accompany the story, which focuses on portraying Isaac as a baby, rather than a baby with Down syndrome. [Buy Me] |
We're the People, Too: Tales from America's Largest Minority, Walt Dudley Itrich
There are stories in this book from individuals with a variety of disabilities, including spinal cord injury. [Buy Me] |
When Your Child is Technology Assisted- A Home Guide for Families, Paul Kahn
This booklet helps parents prepare for home care of a child with complex medical needs by describing how to set up the home and coordinate community services. [Buy Me] |
You Will Dream New Dreams: Inspiring Personal Stories by Parents of Children With Disabilities, Stanley D. Klein, Kim Schive
Knowing that "parents' strongest allies will always be other parents," Klein and Schive have collected from all over the country stories by parents of children with special needs. You Will Dream New Dreams is a remarkable parent's support group in print, including pieces like "Hard Choices," on the painful decision to place a brain-damaged child in a group home, and "Getting to Know My Son," on a mother's struggle to accept and love a child with Down's syndrome. Compiled by clinical psychologist Stanley D. Klein and Kim Schive, a former editor of Exceptional Parent magazine, the book offers emotional support to disabled children's families and should help educators and health-care professionals better understand these parents' perspectives. [Buy Me] |
You and Your Deaf Child : A Self-Help Guide for Parents of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children, John W. Adams
A self-help guide for parents of deaf and hard-of-hearing children. A resource book that parents can use when dealing with feelings about hearing loss and the implications it may have on family life. Includes reference materials covering language systems, family communications behavior and educational placement, plus more. [Buy Me] |
You, Your Child, and 'Special' Education : A Guide to Making the System Work, Barbara Coyne Cutler
Shows parents how to obtain the educational services their child rightfully deserves. [Buy Me] |
Young Children and Foster Care : A Guide for Professionals, Judith A. Silver Ph.D., et al (Editors)
With a focus on the needs of infants and young children from birth to age 5, this book offers a multidisciplinary discussion of children in the child welfare system. [Buy Me] |
Your Body Belongs to You, Cornelia Spelman with illustrations by Tri Weidner
A thoughtful tale of how children can be encouraged to respect and control their own body's and actions. [Buy Me] |
Your Values, My Values : Multicultural Services in Developmental, Lilah Morton Pengra
Through the stories of seven people with developmental disabilities, you'll learn culturally responsive methods of supporting self-advocacy, facilitating tansition and community inclusion, and interpreting challenging behavior. [Buy Me] |