UNC Chapel Hill is conducting a study to better understand hearing in high-functioning autistic children.
Your child may be eligible to participate in this study if he or she: * has a diagnosis of high-functioning autism * has medical records to confirm diagnosis * is between the ages of 5-12 years old * has normal hearing * has no history of ear problems
Participants will sit in a soundproof room and listen to sounds presented over headphones. The study will take approximately 1-2 sessions of one hour each and takes place on the UNC Campus in MacNider Hall (next to the Health Sciences Library). Your child will be compensated at a rate of $25/hour.
For more information about this study please email HearingLab@med.unc.edu with ASD Study in the subject line.
This study has been reviewed and approved by the Biomedical Institutional Review Board
Principal Investigator Joseph W. Hall, PhD 966-8926
IRB Study #86-SURG-99IRB Study #86-SURG-99