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Effects of thickened feeding on gastroesopheageal reflux in infants: a placebo-controlled crossover study using intraluminal impedance.
Date: 08/01/2003
Author: Wenzl, T.G., Schneider, S., Scheele, F., Silny, J., Heinmann, G., and Skopnik, H.

Source: Pediatrics, ( Date: (2003), vol. 111, no.4. April, pg. 355-359.

Review: The goal of this study was to examine the effect of formula (thickened with carob bean gum) on gastroesophageal reflux (GER - the effortless regurgitation of stomach contents). Infants with recurrent regurgitation were fed alternately with thickened and non-thickened formula. GER episodes were recorded with 2 techniques at the same time: intraesophageal impedance measurement (intraluminal technique, IMP) and pH monitoring. The IMP technique is able to detect fluid movements inside the esophagus. It can record the direction, height, and duration of the liquid transport. pH monitoring records the level of acid in the esophagus.

Fourteen infants were examined during 6 feeding intervals. A total of 1183 GER episodes and 83 episodes of regurgitation were registered. Regurgitation frequency and amount) were significantly lower after feedings with the thickened formula. Although not statistically significant, height reached by reflux in the esophagus was decreased after thickened feedings. GER duration and the frequency of acidic (pH < 4) GER were not altered. The authors conclude that thickened feeding significantly reduces regurgitation frequency and amount in otherwise healthy infants.

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