Author: Barry, Margaret J. PT, PhD, PCS
Source: PT Magazine, November 2001 pp 38-51
This article describes the application of evidence-based practice in pediatric physical therapy. Evidence-based practice is the application of information learned from research in addition to the therapist's experience and expertise and the families values or priorities when making decisions and advising families about intervention choices. The article describes a way to determine the usefulness of information from research based on how the research was conducted. As examples, it reviews some information from research about the effectiveness of Neurodevelopmental Treatment (NDT), strengthening exercise, and Conductive Education for children with cerebral palsy. The author reports minimal support from research from NDT and Conductive Education. A number of research articles support the use of strengthening exercise. The article then describes two case examples of how information from research can be used by physical therapists and families to make decision about intervention choices. The first case describes a decision about whether or not to use of a motorized wheel chair for independent mobility for a three-year-old girl. The second describes a decision about the number of hours each day that a 4-year old boy should wear ankle-foot orthotics (AFO's) to prevent the need for heel cord surgery.