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Good News- Minimal Cuts to Children and Families in 2010 NC Legisaltive Budget
Date: 06/29/2010
Source: Durham's Partnership for Children

The NC budget passed with minimal cuts to young children and their families!
Here?s the budget as it relates to early childhood education:

Smart Start. A cut of 2.5%. ($5 million)

More at Four. UPDATE: $5 million reduction in the lottery allocation (about 600 slots). Replaces on a one-time basis, General Fund appropriations for More at Four, replaced with TANF funds. (nearly $30.6 million) .

Child Care Subsidy. A one-time cut replaced by TANF funds. (more than $23.6 million)
Please express your gratitude to the Governor's Office and your local legisaltors for preserving these important programs that serve children and families.

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