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Wake County Services and Resources for Children Birth-5
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Following are a few sample questions we have selected - you can use the category listing to the left to find more questions and answers relating to your areas of interest. Click on a question to see the answer.
I have a child in my center that has been resently diagnosed as having allergies to egg and egg products, wheat, soy, and peanuts. We are looking for information that is easy to understand for the parent and information for our center on menu items that would be safe to feed her.
 Joshua Alexander, MD: Some useful information about what a child with various allergies can and cannot eat can be found at This site includes recommendations for all the food allergies you listed. While this site is useful, the family still needs to sit down with a pediatric nutritionist to review the child's likes and dislikes and work together to formulate a balanced meal plan. If the child is less than 5 years old, the family may be able to get individualized nutrition counseling from someone at the local WIC office.
I have trouble feeding my 7 year old boy who has cerebral palsy. What do you know about these calorie boosters I found online? They are microlipids, MCT oil, polycose, Casec and HMF. Thanks!
 Sharon Wallace, RD, CSP, CNSD, LDN: Microlipids is a fat emulsion that offers 4.5 calories in each milliliter/cc added. It is usually added to tube feedings since it does not separate as well as other fat sources(Medium chain triglycerides and corn oil). It is not the tastiest stuff on the planet, is quite expensive and requires a doctor?s prescription. I don?t suggest it unless a child is tube fed. MCT oil (medium chain triglycerides)- is a more concentrated fat source, providing about 8 calories in each cc (40 calories in a teaspoon). It?s useful for children who have difficulty with absorbing fat (like you see in cystic fibrosis or short gut syndrome). MCT oil does not mix well like microlipid, so it usually is given by itself in a tube feed. It is NASTY tasting stuff (not to be biased or anything but it really is) and also quite expensive. Also needs a script. I would not recommend this unless a child has significant malabsorption. Polycose- is a carbohydrate additive that contains 23 calories per tablespoon. The powder form it is almost tasteless and dissolves easily, so it can be added to casseroles, cereals, yogurt, juice etc .It needs a prescription, but is not overly expensive. While this is often a good option, you could get the same nutrition from dried milk powder, or even blended rice cereal Casec- is a protein supplement, that adds about 20 calories and around 3 grams of protein per Tablespoon. Since it is casein based, it?s usually not as easily digested as whey. Promod, which is whey based might not be a bad option, but also requires a prescription and you need to watch how much is used because of the protein it contains. Human Milk Fortifier-yikes!! This should not be an option for an older child, only preterm breast fed babies. He should not use this. For more ways to boost your child?s calories, please see the TelAbility handout entitled ?Pass the Calories!? available in the Education Section.


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