Speech Connection |
Director/Owner: | Doreen Clark, MS, CCC-SLP |
Address 1: | 6512 Six Forks Rd, Ste 203B |
City: | Raleigh |
Phone 1: | 919-787-4400 |
Fax: | 919-341-1020 |
Contact for Info/Referrals: | Doreen Clark or individual therapist |
Contact Phone: | 919-787-4400 |
Contact email: | Doreen@lewisclarkinc.com |
General information about services/agency: | Speech Connection is no longer providing clinical services. Thank you to all the families and professional partners with whom we've worked over the past 12 years! |
Services offered: | Speech/Language Therapy
Region: | Region 1 (includes Midtown, North Raleigh, Northern Wake County)