Oct 7th, 2011
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FREE TelAbility/WATCH Multipoint Training:
Please see complete article to the right for details
Oct 21st, 2011
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FREE TelAbility/WATCH Multipoint Training:
Introduction to Relationship Development Please see complete article to the right for details
Oct 8th, 2011
TRIANGLE DOWN SYNDROME NETWORK White Deer Dash 5K and Family Fun Run!
The 1 Mile Family Fun Run will be run on the trails in Lake Benson Park. The 5K run will start at Lake Benson Park and proceed through the neighborhoods surrounding Lake Benson. The run will conclude at Lake Benson Park.
The last day to register online for the White Deer Dash 5k is Thursday, October 6, 2011. On-site registration may be available if this event is not full, but your best bet is to register online.
Go to www.fsseries.com for more information on this event.
Oct 12th, 2011
FAMILY SUPPORT NETWORK Coffee Connection Coffee, Tea, and Connections occurs the 2nd Wednesday of every month between the hours of 9-11am at Starbucks, 3800 Lake Boone Trail, Raleigh.
Oct 12th, 2011
Newly Diagnosed Workshop
The diagnosis of an Autism Spectrum Disorder can be overwhelming. This session will provide free information about resources and services that are available to you and how to advocate for your child.
Location : 505 Oberlin Road, Suite 230, RaleighContact : For more information, please contact Nancy LaCross or Tali Denton atl 919-865-5093
Oct 13th AND 20th, 2011
AND 11:30am
Parent Discussion Group:Problem Solving Around Challenging Behaviors Dr. Marcus, former Clinical Director of Chapel Hill TEACCH, will lead a discussion centered on applying structured teaching to preempt and reduce challenging behaviors at home and in the community. Parents are encouraged to share workable solutions addressing a variety of challenging behaviors they encounter on a daily basis.
These meetings are free and will take place in the ground floor conference room at the Chapel Hill TEACCH Center located in the UNC Autism Building. Due to the popularity of this discussion group, we ask that you register in advance by calling Ruth Thomson at 919-966-4699 or emailing her at ruth_thomson@med.unc.ed u
Oct 15th, 2011
| THE NEXT STEP An information group for persons interested in residential options for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities, as well as how to create a fulfilling life once launched. Meetings are free and light refreshments will be available. No reservation necessary. For more information contact Kathy Honeyman at honeymank@earthlink.net.
Location: Millbrook Exchange Community Center, 1905 Spring Forest Rd, Raleigh.
Oct 17th, 2011
| THE AUTISM SOCIETY OF NORTH CAROLINA Open Workshop: Understanding the Characteristics of Autism and Use of Structure This workshop is presented by Leica Anzaldo, Training Manager for the Autism Society of NC.
You will gain a basic understanding of autism and how it affects the individual learner, the sensory system and behavior, and more. For more information, or to register, please click here.
Location: Autism Society of NC State Office, 505 Oberlin Rd., St 230, Raleigh. Fee: $40.00
Oct 22nd, 2011
Family Fun Day!
Location: Skate Ranch located on Trawick Rd in Raleigh.
Family Fun Day - Roller Skating. Meet at Skate Ranch by 10:15 a.m. Skating ends at noon. Cost is $3.50 per person. Parents skate free. To sign up call Roxanne @ 366-9589 or Mary @873-1631 or email Blessings 202@yahoo.com.
Oct 22nd, 2011
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CARY PARKS AND RECREATION Specialized Recreation Halloween Dance
Herbert C. Young Community Center in Cary. Monster Mash! For middle school and High School. Enjoy a night of music, games, refreshments and fun. Wear your favorite Halloween costume. Participants who need a 1:1 are welcome but must provide own assistance. $7.00 for Cary residents, $9.00 for non-residents. Parents, workers and chaperones do not are admitted free of charge. For more information, call the Town of Cary Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources at (919) 460-4965
Oct 22nd, 2011
Halloween Dance Ages 14 and up. Participants who need a 1:1 must provide their own assistant. Parents, workers and chaperones do not have to pay the admission fee. Cost is $5.00, payable at the door. For more information contact Raleigh Parks and Recreation Specialized Recreation Services at (919) 831-6640.
Oct 26th, 2011
Presented by: Dr. Alisha Davis, DC, DACCP Cafe Harmony Farms, 5653 Creedmor Rd., Raleigh. Dr. Davis will present a lecture on brain and nervous system function and their critical roles for social and academic learning. If your child has been diagnosed with ADD, ADHD, Autism, Sensory Processing Disorder, or other learning disorders, you will gain a better understanding of how your child must try and navigate through each day and the struggles they encounter. You will also learn of drug-free treatment options that can help "turn the lights" to your child's nervous system. The workshop is $10.00 plus tax and gratuity and includes a dinner prepared by Cafe Harmony Farms. PLEASE CALL 919-782-0064 TO RESERVE A SEAT. |
Oct 27th, 2011
MARBLES KIDS MUSEUM Family Fun Night for Kids with Special Needs
201 East Hargett St., Raleigh. Marbles Kids Museum, The Triangle Down Syndrome Network and The Arc of Wake County present Family Fun Night for families of children with special needs. This after-hours event will allow the kids 12 and under to experience the museum in a more calm, less crowded environment. The theme is "Celebrate the Arts!", focusing on theatre, music, visual arts and dance. The event is free. For more information contact Deirde Albert at Marbles at (919) 857-1085 or dalbert@marbleskidsmuseum.org.
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Please visit our site at the link below and let us know what you think!
In creating this page, we hope to offer yet another avenue through which to collaborate, share information and resources, and stay connected!
"LIKE" us and not only stay up to date on the latest news, events, and workshops relating to children with both physical and developmental disabilities, but post and share your own! Whether it is an upcoming event, an interesting article, or a question which needs answering... Share away!
Did you Know... | |
All of TelAbility's free multipoint video trainings are archived, and can be viewed any time on our website, telability.org under the "RESOURCES", then "EDUCATION" tabs. Simply click on the session you wish to view. |
TelAbility/WATCH Upcoming Free Multipoint Trainings... OCTOBER
| | Side Note:
If you are not yet on our listserv, but wish to be added in order to keep informed about upcoming trainings and events, please email sorourke@med.unc.edu
WORKING WITH CHILDREN WHO HAVE VISUAL IMPAIRMENTS October 7, 2011, 1:00-2:30pm Presented by Shirley Hand and Dee Martin from the Governor Morehead School.
This training will discuss:
- how to identify behaviors in children that might indicate the presence of a visual impairment
- describe the characteristics & implications of three common visual conditions
- explore strategies and modifications that can be implemented in a home setting to facilitate best visual response and compensatory skill development
INTRODUCTION TO RELATIONSHIP DEVELOPMENT INTERVENTION October 21, 2011, 1:00-2:30pm Presented by Karen Beavers M.Ed., Certified RDI Program Consultant RDI is a home-based, parent-led program in which parents are taught how to re-establish the guided participation relationship with their child.A broad overview of RDI treatment methods will be discussed. Specific strategies will be shared to enhance joint attention when working with young children with autism spectrum disorders. Even though these strategies are targeted at children on the autism spectrum, they are also useful strategies to use with all young children to enhance shared interactions.
More Upcoming or Ongoing Events...
Abilitations Presents:
Understanding and Managing Your Child's Behavior Challenges
a Three Part Parenting Workshop
Three sessions: Oct 18th, Oct 25th and Nov 1st from 5:30-6:30pmLocation: Abilitations Children's Therapy, 11030 Raven Ridge Rd, Suite 101, Raleigh. Cost: $95.00 for all three, or $35.00 per individual session. Please click here for full details.
Meet & Greet
Wake County Public School's NEW Assistant Superintendent of Special Education, Dr. Lisa Grillo
Hosted by the Arc of Wake County and the Triangle Down Syndrome Network WHERE: Junior League of Raleigh, 711 Hillsborough St, Raleigh
WHEN: October 5th, 2011 from 6:30-8:30pm This will be your opportunity to ask questions of our new special education superintendent.
The event is free and refreshments will be served. For more information, please call the Arc at 919-832-2660, or TDSN at 919-803-0515
Project Enlightenment Book Drive
Email Theresa at: tmccrain@wcpss.net
The Project Enlightenment Book Drive is underway. They have books to distribute to agencies in Wake County that work with families not able to purchase books.
If your agency is in Wake County, and would like books to give families, please contact Theresa at the email address above. Please give your name, the name of your agency, the ages of the children you serve, how many books you would like, and your phone number.
Project Enlightenment will email you when the books are ready to be picked up at Project Enlightenment, 501 S. Boylan Avenue, Raleigh 27603.
Triangle Run/Walk for Autism http://www.autismsociety-nc.org/
Run/Walk for Autism! - The final event of the Autism Society of North Carolina's fall series of Run/Walk for Autism events will occur on October 8 at Moore Square Park in downtown Raleigh.
The Triangle Run/Walk for Autism is our largest and oldest community event (this year is the 13th edition!). We encourage you to participate even if you are not in the Raleigh area. We hope to have over 3,000 runners and walkers and over 225 teams this year.
All of the proceeds from the Triangle Run/Walk for Autism are used to support North Carolinians on the autism spectrum and their families. You can form a "virtual team" and help us reach our fund-raising goal of $300,000. Please join us in this effort by spreading the word to friends, family, co-workers and your community. Click here to visit the event website.
Step Up for Down Syndrome Celebration
Triangle Down Syndrome Network
Formerly the Buddy Walk, this event takes place on October 9th at The Brier Creek Community Park (near the center of the Research Triangle Park)5K cost: $25.00 Please visit the TDSN website for more information.
6th Annual Anna's Angels Monster 10 Miler & Phantom 5K
Research Triangle Park, 1000 Swabia Court, RTP,
Sunday, October 30th, 8am 10 Mile cost: $40.00
5K cost: $25.00 Both courses are USTAF Certified. Kids 1 Mile Spooky Sprint is free! The race raises funds for Anna's Angels Foundation's support of Down Syndrome Research. Register online There will be music, a kid's zone, trick or treat stations, costume contests, inflatables, popcorn, face painting and find Dracula for a ghoulish gift!!
Carolina Parent's 2011-12 Family Guide to Special Needs Resources in the Triangle...
Is now available online at: http://www.carolinaparent.com/publications/specialkids/index.php.
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New Guide Offers Road Map to the IEP Process Disability Scoop newsletter reported a new guide to the IEP process was released on August 23rd. You can find a state by state resource guide from Autism Speaks at http://www.autismspeaks.org/
By Michelle Diament, August 23, 2011
A new guide (http://www.autismspeaks.org/sites/default/files/iep_guide.pdf) released Tuesday provides parents with a step-by-step look at how to obtain special education services from their school district.
The 26-page download from Autism Speaks offers a broad overview of the legal rights of parents and students with disabilities and walks through the process of forming an individualized education program or IEP.
The guide was prepared by attorneys at Goodwin Procter for the autism advocacy group, but is written in layman's terms, using bullet points and flow charts for clarity.
"The IEP process can be daunting, overwhelming and highly frustrating for parents who are trying to ensure their child is getting the appropriate educational opportunities," said Lisa Goring, vice president of family services at Autism Speaks. "We hope this guide will give families an effective road map that prepares them to make informed decisions and advocate for their child as effectively as possible."
Though produced by Autism Speaks, most of the information included in the guide is applicable to all students that qualify for special education, irrespective of their diagnosis.
Parent Resources... | |
The listings below are intended for informational purposes only. TelAbility does not endorse any agency or organization.
Carolina Mobility & Seating
Specializing in pediatric mobility and seating. Carolina Mobility and Seating serves Eastern and Central North Carolina. They supply manual and power wheelchairs, positioning strollers, seating and positioning systems, standing aids, walking aids, bath and toiletry, and many other items.
They are also a certified repair center with professionally trained technicians and an extensive parts inventory.
Building Bridges
www.grayfamilychiropractic.com (919) 850-2440 Dr. Alisha Davis offers the Building Bridges program which combines specific chiropractic care, neurointegrative exercises and nutritional modifications designed to improve a child's nervous system function, and bridge the gap between the brain and the body.
Level Four Pediatric Cranial Designs http://www.levelfour.us.com/ A full service orthotic and prosthetic clinic, including use of the Starscanner for cranial remolding orthoses. For more information, please visit their website at http://www.levelfour.us.com/. SmartEd Services TAP*it technology SmartEd works with schools providing classroom technology designed to provide accessibility to all students. TAP*it allows for a stimulating learning environment using multiple senses no matter the ability level of the student. Please click here for more information about this technology. Social Skills Resources for Parents and Teachers brought to you through Project Enlightenment For a comprehensive list of resources available, please click here, or visit Project Enlightenment's website.
Shining Stars Pediatric Therapy Services Move to Learn Program Move to Learn is a drop off program instructed by a licensed Occupational Therapist and is a language based group for children between the ages of 2 and 4. Focusing on the principles of sensory integration, each themed session will address motor, language, sensory, cognitive, social and emotional skills through music, movement, and hands on activities. For compete details and dates, please click here. Capitol City Speech Therapy
Mom's Morning Out!
Need to get some grocery shopping done? Capitol City Speech Therapy is here to help!
Capitol City Speech Therapy will be offering a Mom's Morning Out on Fridays from 9:00 - 11:00. Bring your kids between the ages of 18 months and five years to our office on 141 Main Street, Fuquay Varina ready for two hours of crafts, story times, games and tons of fun. Be sure to pack any diapers or a change of clothes that your child may need. A charge of $20.00 per child will be accepted upon arrival with discounts available for multiple children ($15.00 for the second child, $10.00 for the third child, etc).
Space is limited to eight children per Friday so please call ahead for reservations!
For more information, please click here.
Exceptional Children's Assistance Center
ECAC is a private non-profit parent organization committed to improving the lives and education of ALL children through a special emphasis on children with disabilities.
Parent Education Programs include:
The NC Parent Training and Information (PTI)
The NC Parent Information and Resource Center (PIRC)
The NC Family-to-Family Health Information Center (HIC)
NC State Improvement Project
Behavior and Reading Improvement Center (BRIC)
Bridging the Gap
For more information, please visit ECAC's website at the link above.
Giving to TelAbility... | |
You can recognize a child you serve, or a professional you admire by making a donation to TelAbility/WATCH on their behalf.
Send your gift, along with a few words about the child or professional to:
1101 Weaver Dairy Road, Suite 202
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Checks can be made out to the UNC Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Include "TelAbility" in the memo line.
Thank you!