June 2nd, 2011
7:00pm | |
Holland Tour Group Meeting
Local Management Entity
To be held at: Hayes Barton Baptist Church, 1800 Glenwood Ave., Raleigh.
Holland Tour Group offer case management, developmental therapy, vocational/day activity services and residential services. If you receive services for developmental disabilities, mental health and/or substance abuse you are connected with the LME. Join them for the latest information on this program. Please RSVP to Jodi at 919-662-4600 or jodi@familysupportonline.org if you will be attending. Childcare will not be provided.. |
June 4th, 2011
9:00am | |
6th Annual Triangle Vision Walk
Honoring Dana Fox
To be held at Lake Lynn Park,
7921 Ray Road, Raleigh 27613.
VisionWalk is the national signature fundraising
event of the Foundation Fighting Blindness.
Registration: 9:00am
Walk Start: 10:00 a.m.
June 5th, 2011
3:00-6:00pm | |
To be held at Crowder Park (Heron Shelter) in Apex from 3-6pm.
Family Support Network of Wake County invites children of all ages and their families to an afternoon of food, games and fun on June 5th. The event will be held from 3-6pm at Crowder Park (Heron Shelter) in Apex. There is no cost to families for this event and no registrations are required, For more information please call 919-662-4600, ext 257 |
June 8th, 2011
9:00-11:00am | |
The Coffee Connection
a Family Support Network of Wake County event.
Join us for coffee, tea, and connections the 2nd Wednesday of every month between the hours of 9-11:30am at Starbucks, 3800 Lake Boone Trail, Raleigh. You are welcome to come for part or all of the time. |
June 10th, 2011
1-2:30pm | |
FREE TelAbility/WATCH Multipoint Training:
Please see complete article to the right for details |
June 14th, 2011
10:00am-12:00pm | |
Autism Society of NC
Newly Diagnosed Parent Training
505 Oberlin Road, Suite 230, Raleigh.
A training for parents, families or grandparents of individuals with ASD. Guest presenter will be Wanda Curley, Parent Advocate ASNC. Registration is free but required in advance due to limited seating. For more information and/or to RSVP, please email Nancy at nlacross@autismsociety-nc.org or call (919)743-0204, ext 1137. |
June 16th, 2011
7:00pm-8:30pm | |
ASNC - Orange-Chatham Chapter Meeting
103 Farmhouse Drive, Chapel Hill (just north of McDougle Elem., first housing development on the right--in the clubhouse) Please join us for our monthly meetings. From 7 - 7:30 pm, open conversation. Our speaker begins at 7:30 pm, and the official meeting ends at 8:30 pm. We invite people to stay and chat as long as they wish. See our website for more information: www.asncoc.org. |
June 17th, 2011
9:00am-4:30pm | |
Autism Awareness Symposium
Brown Auditorium, Business & Industry Center, Nash Community College, 522 North Old Carriage Road, Rocky Mount 27804 Autism Awareness Symposium co-sponsored by several organizations including the Edgecombe/Halifax/Nash/Wilson County Chapter of the Autism Society of North Carolina. This FREE training will provide participants with a better understanding of ASD and features a number of guest speakers. Seats are limited and a boxed lunch will be provided. Please register by sending an email to: Autism.symposium@nashcountync.gov. Include attendee's name, organization, phone and email. For networking purposes, contact info for all registered attendees will be included in a handout to be given out at the symposium (If you do not want your contact information included, please specify in your registration email. |
June 21st, 2011
6:00-8:00pm | |
Step Up for Down Syndrome Planning Committee Meeting
This year's STEP UP for Down Syndrome committee got an early jump on the planning process to create a fun-filled day for our families! This is our largest fundraiser of the year and alot of work goes into pulling the event together. If you are interested in working on our planning committee, please contact Lana Calloway, Co-Chair at 832-4700 ext 12. Click here for more information. |
June 23rd, 2011
6:00-9:00pm | |
Triangle Down Syndrome Network
Night at the Durham Bulls
This night will pay tribute to the contributions of 54 million Americans with disabilities, their families and caregivers. Save the date! For more information, please click here. |
June 25th, 2011
10:00am-12:00pm | |
Triangle Down Syndrome Support Meeting:
Potty Training your Child with Special Needs
Presented by Dr. Melissa Johnson WakeMed Hospital Staff Pediatric Psychologist 10 a.m. - Noon Location: Pleasant Grove United Methodist Church 4415 Pleasant Grove Church Road Raleigh, NC 27613 Childcare will be provided, please call the office at 803-0515 to RSVP or email with the number of children and their ages so we can make sure to have adequate caregivers available. Please click here for more information. |
Join Our List |  |
A SUCCESS... | | 2011 RUN, WALK & ROLL A HUGE thank you to all who helped make TelAbility's 3rd Annual Run, Walk & Roll such a fabulous event. Thanks to your efforts we raised $47,000 to help us continue. It truly was a magical (and dry) day! Our new venue, the Koka Booth Amphitheatre was very well received, the Chris Hendricks Band entertained kids and adults alike, and our Resource Fair offered many fun activities for the kids, and great information for the families. To the many, many volunteers who put in countless hours, tremendous effort and a lot of heart - Thank you! Without you, this event would not be possible. We have lots of pictures, results and updates coming your way very shortly in the 2011 RWR Special Edition so stay tuned! |
Did you Know... | |
All of TelAbility's free multipoint video trainings can be viewed any time from our online archives at: https://www.mcnc.org/videostreaming/telability. Choose the session you wish to view from the drop down menu. |
TelAbility/WATCH Upcoming Free Multipoint Training... | |
Interactive Metronome Therapy
June 10th, 2011 1:00-2:30pm
Karen Scofield, MA/OTR/L will discuss her experience utilizing the Interactive Metronome in her occupational therapy practice on Friday, June 10 from 1:00-2:30. This presentation will cover what the Interactive Metronome is, how it works, who might benefit from it, how it is used in occupational therapy, and treatment outcomes of using it. It is hoped participants will gain a greater knowledge about this treatment technique and how it addresses developmental issues that may be seen in the pediatric population. Karen is very excited to speak about this topic and share her take on the benefits of this intervention.
Upon completion of this presentation, participants will be able to demonstrate knowledge of how the Interactive Metronome impacts on timing and rhythm, understand the treatment effects of using the Interactive Metronome, and be aware of how the Interactive Metronome is incorporated into an occupational therapy program and impacts on the performance of children's daily occupations.
Host Sites for this training are:
The Tammy Lynn Center: 739 Chappell Drive, Raleigh
Pediatric Therapy Associates: 1120 SE Cary Parkway, Ste 200, Cary
Wilmington CDSA: 311 Burnt Mill Dr., Wilmington
This presentation is open to both professionals and parents. If you are interested in attending this session at one of our host sites, please email sorourke@med.unc.edu and include your host site preference. |
Noteworthy Article... | |
Neurotransmitters: How Brain Cells Use Chemicals to Communicate.
May 2011 Brain Briefings by the Society of Neuroscience
Whether it is learning a new fact or deciding which way to move, tasks executed by our brains rely on the smooth and efficient release of neurotransmitters, chemicals that send messages from one brain cell to another. Research has unlocked the molecular and cellular mysteries of this complex process - discoveries that one day may help treat some of the most severe and deadly diseases of the brain.
Every millisecond of every day, a remarkable string of events occurs in the brain: billions of brain cells called neurons transmit signals to each other. And they do it at trillions of junctions called synapses. It is an extremely fast and efficient process - one central to everything the brain does, including learning, memorizing, planning, reasoning, and enabling movement.
When even one part of the process breaks down, the results can be devastating. Many brain disorders and nervous system diseases, including autism, schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy, and even botulinum poisoning, have been linked to problems at the synapse.
Thanks to advances in molecular cell biology, neuroscientists have pieced together many of the step-by-step details going on at synapses.
Read the full issue here. |
The North Carolina Assistive Technology Center... | |
by Nora Roem, M.Ed
I recently spoke with Lynne Deese, assistive tech consultant at the North Carolina Assistive Technology Center (NCATC) on Navaho Drive in Raleigh, and was pleased to learn that despite all the recent cuts to services, the Assistive Tech Center is still providing a wide range of services to families and providers in Wake County. In fact they serve people of all ages and with any type of disability.
Perhaps what the ATC is most known for is their lending library of assistive technology devices. Anyone can visit the center, try different devices and get advice about them. The devices can be checked out for two weeks at a time for free. This is a great way to see if a particular device is the right one before ordering it from a vendor. The ATC can also provide information on funding sources to help defray costs.
Another well known service is their reutilization program called the "Technology Exchange Post". It was at one time a paper newsletter but is now on the home page of their website at http://www.ncatp.org/index.htm . This is a wonderful resource for finding, selling, or giving away assistive devices.
The North Carolina Assistive Technology Center provides assistive technology evaluations for a fee. They can assess for capacity in many different situations: Computer access, augmentative communication, environmental controls, assistive listening, visual devices, switch activation, and cognitive orthotics that assist in memory, planning & problem solving.
Lynne & her team do a variety of other activities such as consultations, technical assistance, product training, and awareness activities to help groups understand more about disability and what assistive technology can do for individuals.
To access the services of the Assistive Technology Center in Raleigh go to their website http://www.ncatp.org/index.htm. |
Parent Resources... | |
The listings below are intended for informational purposes only. TelAbility does not endorse any agency or organization.
Level Four Pediatric Crainal Designs
A full service orthotic and prosthetic clinic, literally treating children from head to toe; including use of the Starscanner for cranial remolding orthoses. For more information, please visit their website at http://www.levelfour.us.com/.
SmartEd Services
TAP*it technology
SmartEd works with schools providing classroom technology designed to provide accessibility to all students. TAP*it allows for a stimulating learning environment using multiple senses no matter the ability level of the student. Please click here for more information about this remarkable technology.
Social Skills Resources for Parents and Teachers
brought to you through Project Enlightenment For a comprehensive list of resources available, please click here, or visit Project Enlightenment's website.
Advanced Seating and Mobility, Inc.
Advanced Seating & Mobility, (ASM) is a Raleigh-based, locally operated durable medical equipment company serving eastern and central North Carolina. We specialize in accessibility products including a full range of mobility and rehab equipment from basic to highly complex, as well as custom home modifications. ASM has a team of RESNA-Certified Seating Specialists and Reimbursement Specialists in order to support your equipment and insurance/funding needs.
For detailed information on ASM and the equipment they carry, please visit their website at: www.seating-mobility.com
Shining Stars Pediatric Therapy Services
Move to Learn Program
Move to Learn is a drop off program instructed by a licensed Occupational Therapist and is a language based group for children between the ages of 2 and 4. Focusing on the principles of sensory integration, each themed session will address motor, language, sensory, cognitive, social and emotional skills through music, movement, and hands on activities. For compete details and dates, please click here.
Capitol City Speech Therapy
http://www.capitolcityspeechtherapy.com/ Mom's Morning Out!
Need to get some grocery shopping done? Capitol City Speech Therapy is here to help!
Capitol City Speech Therapy will be offering a Mom's Morning Out on Fridays from 9:00 - 11:00. Bring your kids between the ages of 18 months and five years to our office on 141 Main Street, Fuquay Varina ready for two hours of crafts, story times, games and tons of fun. Be sure to pack any diapers or a change of clothes that your child may need. A charge of $20.00 per child will be accepted upon arrival with discounts available for multiple children ($15.00 for the second child, $10.00 for the third child, etc).
Space is limited to eight children per Friday so please call ahead for reservations!
For more information, please click here.
Exceptional Children's Assistance Center
ECAC is a private non-profit parent organization committed to improving the lives and education of ALL children through a special emphasis on children with disabilities.
Parent Education Programs include:
The NC Parent Training and Information (PTI)
The NC Parent Information and Resource Center (PIRC)
The NC Family-to-Family Health Information Center (HIC)
NC State Improvement Project
Behavior and Reading Improvement Center (BRIC)
Bridging the Gap
For more information, please visit ECAC's website at the link above. |
Giving to TelAbility... | |
You can recognize a child you serve, or a professional you admire by making a donation to TelAbility/WATCH on their behalf.
Send your gift, along with a few words about the child or professional to:
1101 Weaver Dairy Road, Suite 202
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Checks can be made out to the UNC Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Include "TelAbility" in the memo line.
Thank you!