July 10th, 2012
WAKE COUNTY LICC Monthly Meeting
Project Enlightenment, 501 S. Boylan Avenue * Raleigh, NC 27603 (map)
The Wake County LICC (www.wakelicc.org) is a collaborative group made up of families and professionals that serves families of children birth to five who have a developmental delay/disability, atypical development, or are at risk for these.
July 10th, 2012
Mom's Night Out
Events at members homes ar potluck, so bring an appetizer, side dish, or dessert to share.
babies are always welcome!
Contact (919) 803-0515 or email
July 11th, 2012
Enhancing Social Understanding
Location: 505 Oberlin Road, Raleigh. Louise Buchholz-Southern, Board Certified Behavioral Analyst and former special education teacher, will demonstrate how to teach social understanding and perspective taking to individuals on the autism spectrum. The goal is to address the underlying meaning of the social concept and help the individual understand it. We will watch and discuss video clip examples; practice interactive exercises, which will promote creative thinking and facilitate fun! Teachers, professionals, parents and caregivers of adolescents and/or adults with high functioning autism or aspergers will benefit from this training. for more information, please contact Leica Anzaldo at lanzaldo@autismsociety-nc.org or (919) 865-5069
July 11th, 2012
Location: Chuck E Cheese, 3501 Capital Boulevard You must register/sign up and pay no later than July 6th. For more information or to register call 919-366-9589; email blessings202@yahoo.com or register online at www.specialblessingsinc.net (Click on Upcoming & Recent Events page).
July 14th, 2012
Summer Play Groups
Join us for fun at the playground. You bring the kids and we'll bring the snacks, bubbles and a parachute! This is a great opportunity to get the kids out to play and meet other families.
Masters Garden Pre-School, 7500 Schley Road, Hillsborough. For more information contact Beth Hutson (919) 560-3000 or email
July 18th, 2012
Morning Out with Friends at Pullen Park
Meet at the Carousel Pavilion (located behind the carousel) in Pullen Park, Raleigh. For Kids of all ages. FSN/WC will provide healthy drinks and snacks. Come and network with other parents while the kids play!
July 19th, 2012
Family Fun Night
Experience Marbles in a calmer, quieter environment! Family Fun Night is free and exclusively for children with special needs and their families. PLUS catch an exclusive lower-volume showing of The Gruffalo at Marbles IMAX at 5:30 (free screening, first come, first seated basis)
July 19th, 2012
D.A.D.S. Meeting
Topics vary from month to month.
Please contact the TDSN office at (919) 803-0515 to RSVP or get directions or for more information
July 26th, 2012
After the Diagnosis:
Get Answers, Get Help, get Going!
Informal workshop for parents and grandparents of young children recently diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.
- Learn how autism may affect your child
- Learn options that may help your child
- Locate resources to support your family
- Join ASNC Parent Advocate Trainers Nancy LaCross, Judy Clute, and Jan Combs for this free workshop to support you on your journey.
| Location : Autism Society of North Carolina 505 Oberlin Road, Suite 230 Raleigh, NC 27605
Contact : To register: Nancy LaCross @ 919-865-5092;
July 28th, 2012
Summer Play Groups
Join us for fun at the playground. You bring the kids and we'll bring the snacks, bubbles and a parachute! This is a great opportunity to get the kids out to play and meet other families. Morreene Road Park, 1100 Morreene Road, Durham
For more information contact Beth Hutson (919) 560-3000 or email beth@familysupportonline.org
July 28th, 2012
Support Group Meeting
Chick-fil-A, 6711 Knightdale Boulevard, Knightdale (map)
Families will have the chance to interact with other families caring for loved ones with special needs. For more information or to register call 919-366-9589; email blessings202@yahoo.com or register online at www.specialblessingsinc.net (Click on Upcoming & Recent Events page).
Join Our List |  |
Please visit our site at the link below and let us know what you think!
"LIKE" us and not only stay up to date on the latest news, events, and workshops relating to children with both physical and developmental disabilities, but post and share your own! Whether it is an upcoming event, an interesting article, or a question which needs answering... Share away!
Did you Know... | |
All of TelAbility's free multipoint video trainings are archived, and can be viewed any time on our website, telability.org under the "RESOURCES", then "EDUCATION" tabs. Simply click on the session you wish to view. |
Noteworthy Article ... | |
Simple Test May Take Guesswork Out Of Autism Diagnosis
In what could open the door to earlier autism diagnosis, researchers said Tuesday that they can reliably pinpoint who does and does not have the disorder using a readily-available test.
The finding comes from the largest and most intensive study to date looking at detecting autism using an electroencephalogram, or EEG.
For the study, researchers at Harvard Medical School and Children's Hospital Boston conducted EEG tests - which measure brain activity - on nearly 1,000 children ages 2 to 12, including 430 with autism and 554 who were typically developing.
When researchers examined the way various parts of the children's brains connected, they found clear differences between the two groups, with those diagnosed with autism generally displaying less connectivity overall.
Ultimately scientists were able to pinpoint 33 factors that separated the children with autism from those without, according to the study published in the journal BMC Medicine.
Currently, autism is spotted through clinical evaluation and diagnosis is generally believed to be accurate as early as age 2. Researchers are hopeful that the study findings may lead to autism diagnosis and intervention at younger ages before behavioral symptoms are fully apparent.
To read the entire article, click here
Of Interest ... | |
The listings below are intended for informational purposes only. TelAbility does not endorse any agency or organization.
Camp MusArt
Camp MusArt at 616 West Chatham in Apex is now taking registrations for full week campers all the way into July! Please remember to register early as the spaces are limited and filling up very fast!! They are very excited to be offering DOUBLE BASS to their program now. For more information please call (919) 267-5509 or visit the link above.
The Aspen Center - Upcoming Programs
The Apen Center is currently enrolling for:
Seedlings program which is a specialized preschool for children with Down syndrome. 2012-13 Building BLOCKS preschool school year
2012-13 Transitional K class
2012 summer camps
Capitol City Speech Therapy Summer Programs www.capitolcityspeechtherapy.com July 9-27 "Power Packed Vocabulary Development" for 3-5 yr. olds Tuesday/Wednesday/Friday from 12:15-2:30pm July 9-30 "Fun With Reading" for 2nd & 3rd graders Every Monday from July 9th-30th, 1pm-2pm
July 5-26 "Reading For Meaning" for 3-5 yr. olds Every Thursday from July 5th through 26th
MAGIC (Movement And Gestures Improve Communication) Upcoming 2012-2013 Preschool Program A total learning program for children ages 3-5 years old designed to enhance your child's social, emotional and intellectual growth . More information and pricing can be found by visiting their website (above) or by calling (919) 577-6807.
The Tammy Lynn Center
The Tammy Lynn Center announces the start of BUILDING BLOCKS PLAY GROUP which offers children 18mos-3years weekly opportunities to interact with other children of all abilities as they learn, practice, and strengthen play and social skills. Please call Robin Brooks at (919) 755-2688 for more information.
My Gym Fitness Center
will be offering a class for the special needs community! My Gym serves all ages and is very excited to begin this wonderful opportunity, as there are so few classes such as these in our area. There are employees with experience with the special needs population who work at the gym, which will help this class to be a great success for the children! Please email or call for more information.
My Gym: 9650 Strickland Road, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27615 919-847-8990
Jill Powell Summer Fun for Children with Special Needs
Jill Powell has been working with individuals with special needs for the past 11 years. She currently teaches a self-contained autistic class. She has worked with children and adults with special needs in a variety of recreational settings, including directing summer camps, teaching classes, chaperoning field trips and outings, and assisted with developing an inclusive playground design. She graduated from ECU with a BS in Health Education and has her teaching certificate in special education.
Get out of the house and have some fun! Join Jill for structured, social fun, while exploring new topics and skills. These classes are specially designed for participants with special needs.
****Please be aware that days and times vary from class to class.****
Parent Resources... | |
The listings below are intended for informational purposes only. TelAbility does not endorse any agency or organization.
Born Learning
A 4 star child care facility located in Raleigh near Capitol Blvd. & Old Buffalo Rd.
Prem Sudersanam has her B-K license and has taught in the More At Four program and Head Start. She is very interested in inclusion and welcomes therapists who work with the children. She is registered to operate 1st, 2nd and 3rd shifts. Her contact number is (919) 926-7513 email is sudersanamp@yahoo.com. She has openings during the day for both part time as well as full time children.
Art Therapy Institute (ATI)
ATI brings art therapy to people in the community where they are every day - in public schools, hospitals, and community programs. The Institute's mission is to enhance the outreach work they do as mental health clinicians and improve access to mental health services in the community. By approaching mental health issues globally and by sharing the healing components of the arts, the Institute provides support for many people and prevents more intensive interventions. The Institute brings art therapy to their clients instead of having clients come to them. This enables the Institute to provide art therapy to diverse populations, especially the under-served, in a myriad of settings. The Art Therapy Institute is located in Durham. To learn more please call (919) 381-6068, or visit their website here.
Does Your Child Have Dreams of Dancing?
Dancing can improve body awareness, increase self-esteem and flexibility, as well as promote healthy emotional expression and positive social interaction with peers.
Jennifer Pegram, a dancer since the age of 14 and certified Special Educator, is proud to offer private and semi-private dance classes to children with special needs in Cary and surrounding areas. Mrs. Pegram studied integrated dance with Verlezza Dance, a professional company located in Shaker Heights, Ohio, and uses her personal experience with Cerebral Palsy to bring dance opportunities to young people who might not otherwise have the chance to try. Enrollment is limited. For more information, please contact Jennifer at (919) 924-2659 or clevelandreams@aol.com. Academic tutoring is also offered.
Hope to see you in dance class!
National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability
CWD/Youth is your source for information about employment and youth with disabilities. Their partners - experts in disability, education, employment, and workforce development - strive to ensure you will be provided with the highest quality, most relevant information available.
Guideposts for Success: Family Involvement & Supports
Wake County Cerebral Palsy Support Group
A way for parents to share, laugh, and cry with others who can identify with the daily joys and struggles by talking, using social media, and having family outings as needed.
The group is not limited to the diagnosis of CP. For more information, contact Shannon at (919) 610-9500 or by email at wakecpparents@gmail.com
Project Enlightenment
Project Enlightenment offers a host of helpful resources and services for teachers and parents of young children birth through kindergarten. Come by and check out the resources in the Parent Teacher Resource Center (PTRC), call about their services (919-856-7774) or visit their website at www.projectenlightenment.wcpss.net. You can access our library catalog from your computer. Just follow the simple directions listed below. To access the Library Catalog: 1. Go to the Project Enlightenment website at www.projectenlightenment.wcpss.net 2. Look under Highlights. 3. Click on destiny.wcpss.net. 4. Select Project Enlightenment. 5. This will take you to our catalog. 6. You may search for any book.
Developmental Therapy Associates
DTA's website now as an "Ask a Therapist" section - If you have a question to ask of an Occupational or Speech Therapist, here is your chance!
DTA also has intensive therapy opportunities for year-round track out such as Handwriting Intensives, Articulation Boot Camp and Auditory Integration Training.
Please visit their website at the link above for more information.
Carolina Parent's 2011-12 Family Guide to Special Needs Resources in the Triangle...
Is now available online at:
Carolina Mobility & Seating http://www.carolinamobility.com/ Specializing in pediatric mobility and seating. Carolina Mobility and Seating serves Eastern and Central North Carolina. They supply manual and power wheelchairs, positioning strollers, seating and positioning systems, standing aids, walking aids, bath and toiletry, and many other items. They are also a certified repair center with professionally trained technicians and an extensive parts inventory. Building Bridges www.grayfamilychiropractic.com (919) 850-2440 Dr. Alisha Davis offers the Building Bridges program which combines specific chiropractic care, neurointegrative exercises and nutritional modifications designed to improve a child's nervous system function, and bridge the gap between the brain and the body.
Level Four Pediatric Cranial Designs http://www.levelfour.us.com/ A full service orthotic and prosthetic clinic, including use of the Starscanner for cranial remolding orthoses. For more information, please visit their website at http://www.levelfour.us.com/. SmartEd Services TAP*it technology SmartEd works with schools providing classroom technology designed to provide accessibility to all students. TAP*it allows for a stimulating learning environment using multiple senses no matter the ability level of the student. Please click here for more information about this technology. Social Skills Resources for Parents and Teachers brought to you through Project Enlightenment For a comprehensive list of resources available, please click , or visit Project Enlightenment's website. Shining Stars Pediatric Therapy Services Move to Learn Program Move to Learn is a drop off program instructed by a licensed Occupational Therapist and is a language based group for children between the ages of 2 and 4. Focusing on the principles of sensory integration, each themed session will address motor, language, sensory, cognitive, social and emotional skills through music, movement, and hands on activities. For compete details and dates, please click here. Capitol City Speech Therapy
Mom's Morning Out!
Need to get some grocery shopping done? Capitol City Speech Therapy is here to help!
Capitol City Speech Therapy will be offering a Mom's Morning Out on Fridays from 9:00 - 11:00. Bring your kids between the ages of 18 months and five years to our office on 141 Main Street, Fuquay Varina ready for two hours of crafts, story times, games and tons of fun. A charge of $10.00 per child will be accepted upon arrival. Space is limited to eight children per Friday so please call ahead for reservations!
For more information, please click here.
Playtime Developmental Enrichment Groups:
Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9:45-10:45 for ages 18 months to 3 years.
Exceptional Children's Assistance Center
ECAC is a private non-profit parent organization committed to improving the lives and education of ALL children through a special emphasis on children with disabilities.
Parent Education Programs include:
The NC Parent Training and Information (PTI)
The NC Parent Information and Resource Center (PIRC)
The NC Family-to-Family Health Information Center (HIC)
NC State Improvement Project
Behavior and Reading Improvement Center (BRIC)
Bridging the Gap
For more information, please visit ECAC's website at the link above.
Giving to TelAbility... | |
You can recognize a child you serve, or a professional you admire by making a donation to TelAbility/WATCH on their behalf.
Send your gift, along with a few words about the child or professional to:
1101 Weaver Dairy Road, Suite 202
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Checks can be made out to the UNC Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Include "TelAbility" in the memo line.
Thank you!