Jan 13th, 2012
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FREE TelAbility/WATCH Multipoint Training: CHIROPRACTICS and the Child with Special Needs
Please see complete article to the right for details
JAN 27TH, 2012
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FREE TelAbility/WATCH Multipoint Training:
DIVERSITY: WORKING WITH AFRICAN AMERICAN FAMILIES Please see complete article to the right for details
Jan 6th - Feb 15th, 2012
Summer Camp Registration
Summer Camp registration begins January 6. On-line applications will be accepted from January 6 - February 15. Visit the Camp Royall section of our website for instructions and the link to our on-line application process. Camp Royall will host Summer Camp Information Days at the facility on January 21-22.
Jan 10th, 2012
Project Enlightenment, 501 S. Boylan Ave, Raleigh.
The Wake County LICC (www.wakelicc.org) is a collaborative group made up of families and professionals that serves families of children birth to five who have a developmental delay/disability, atypical development, or are at risk for these. |
Jan 11th, 2012
Coffee, tea, and connections the 2nd Wednesday of every month between the hours of 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. at Starbucks, 3800 Lake Boone Trail, Raleigh. You are welcome to come for part or all of the time.
Jan 12th, 2012
Talking With Parents About Difficult Issues
If you have a concern about a child in your classroom and are uncertain how to let the parents know, this workshop will teach you how to share difficult information with parents. It will be held at St. Phillip Lutheran Preschool, 7304 Falls of Neuse Rd, Raleigh. Fee: $16.00 Contact: Mary Snow Crawley at 919-508-0811 or by email at mcrawley@wcpss.net, or register here. |
Jan 14th, 2012
Dealing with Angry Feelings in Children
Discuss ways to handle mad/angry feelings and behaviors in young children. Location: 7009 Harps Mill Rd, Raleigh No cost to attend. Please register at least 48 hours in advance by sending an email to: enroll@ncparentconsultants.com |
Jan 17th, 2012
A Guided Observation of the Demonstration Preschool Classroom
Designed for teachers of three- to five-year-olds. Participants observe and discuss best practices in one of two Project Enlightenment inclusion classrooms serving four-year-olds Fee: $20.00 Contact: Mary Snow Crawley at 919-508-0811 or by email at mcrawley@wcpss.net, or register here. |
Jan 17th, 2012
Toddler Talk:
How Toddlers & Two Year Olds Acquire Language Skills
Participants in this workshop will learn about typical toddler language development and will discover ways to use this information in designing best practices programs for toddlers. Fee: $16.00 Contact: Mary Snow Crawley at 919-508-0811 or by email at mcrawley@wcpss.net, or register here. |
Jan 18th, 2012
Early Childhood Director's Forum
Network with fellow directors and learn about the latest in early childhood. Share knowledge and resources with each other in this five-session series. This class meets on Wednesdays, January 18, February 15 and March 14, 2012. Fee: $80.00 Contact: Mary Snow Crawley at 919-508-0811 or by email at mcrawley@wcpss.net, or register here. |
Jan 19th, 2012
Family Fun Night
Marbles Kids Museum and The Arc of Wake County present Family Fun Night. An evening of museum adventure for kids 12 and under with special needs and their families. This after-hours event will allow the kids to experience the museum in a more calm, less crowded environment. |
Jan 21st, 2012
| THE NEXT STEP Millbrook Exchange Community Center, 1905 Spring Forest Rd, Raleigh An information group for persons interested in residential options for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities, as well as how to create a fulfilling life once launched. Meetings are free and light refreshments will be available. No reservation necessary. For more information contact Kathy Honeyman at honeymank@earthlink.net. |
Jan 24th, 2012
Preschool Classroom Strategies to Support Children on the Autism Spectrum
Preschool can be overwhelming for a child with autism. Autism affects how a child communicates, behaves, and relates to others. Participants will become familiar with the major characteristics associated with autism and how children with autism relate to the world. Specific classroom strategies for teachers to use with children with autism will be shared. Fee: $16.00 Contact: Mary Snow Crawley at 919-508-0811 or by email at mcrawley@wcpss.net, or register here. |
Jan 26, 2012
After the Diagnosis: Get Answers, Get Going, Get Help!
Is your child newly diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder? We will give an overview of autism and share resources for your family to consider on this journey. This workshop offers parents of recently diagnosed children support, comfort and general information on Autism Spectrum Disorder, including information on local, state and national resources. Location: ASNC Conference Room, 505 Oberlin Rd, St 230, Raleigh Contact Tali Denton at tdenton@autismsociety-nc.org, or Nancy LaCross at nlacross@autismsociety-nc.org
Feb 25, 2012
Marbles Kids Museum, 201 East Hargett St, Raleigh
Tickets are on sale now for $75.00 each. The evening's festivities will include dinner and dancing, open bar, a silent and a live auction as well as professional portraits. For more information, or to purchase tickets, please visit http://www.arcwake.org/gala.html
March 30-31st, 2012
The conference will be held at the Hilton University Place in Charlotte.
This year, the largest autism gathering in North Carolina will focus on social communication and relationships- with perspectives from professionals, family members, and individuals on the spectrum.
For more information, please click here.
Join Our List |  |
We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day.
~Edith Lovejoy Pierce
Please visit our site at the link below and let us know what you think!
"LIKE" us and not only stay up to date on the latest news, events, and workshops relating to children with both physical and developmental disabilities, but post and share your own! Whether it is an upcoming event, an interesting article, or a question which needs answering... Share away!
Did you Know... | |
All of TelAbility's free multipoint video trainings are archived, and can be viewed any time on our website, telability.org under the "RESOURCES", then "EDUCATION" tabs. Simply click on the session you wish to view. |
SAVE THE DATE!!! THE 2012 Run, Walk & Roll
MAY 19TH, 2011
| | and ready for you to create your teams, invite friends to join, register as an individual, or simply make a donation.
We have simplified the registration and payment process! As a sponsor or Community Expo exhibitor, if you wish to register and pay by credit card, you can now do so directly and securely through the RWR website.
Again this year, both our 5K run & 1.3 mile walk/roll will include a loop around the picturesque lake at Cary's Koka Booth Amphitheatre, while our Community Expo at the amphitheatre's beautiful Crescent Deck will host exhibitors who will offer information about products & services as well as activities for families & children with special needs. Entertainers will keep us moving & dancing, a celebrity guest will be on hand to greet families, & there will be a variety of food & beverages available for sale. If you are interested in volunteering in either the pre-event planning or event day logistics, please email Nora Roehm or Stephanie O'Rourke We look forward to seeing you there!
TelAbility/WATCH Upcoming Free Multipoint Trainings... JANUARY
| | Side Note:
If you are not yet on our listserv, but wish to be added in order to keep informed about upcoming trainings and events, please email sorourke@med.unc.edu
CHIROPRACTICS and the Child with Special Needs January 13th, 2011, 1:00-2:30pm Presented by Dr. Alisha Davis
Dr. Alisha Davis from Gray Family Chiropractics will discuss Chiropractics and the Child with Special Needs. She will discuss neurodevelopmental disorders such as Autism, ADHD, learning disorders & sensory processing disorders. In addition she will also talk about neurobiomechanical disorders including retained primitive reflex and neurobiomedical conditions including nutrition & allergies. She will discuss the role chiropractics can play in the above mentioned conditions. 1.5 Infant Toddler credits will be awarded for this session.
DIVERSITY: Working with African American Families
January 27th, 2011, 1:00-2:30pm
Presented by Donellia Chives, Tanya Dennis & Tarea Kennedy
Please join us as Donellia Chives, Tanya Dennis, & Tarea Kennedy from Telamon Headstart present a workshop on Diversity: Working with African American Families. They will discuss cultural influences that affect how African American families function in their daily lives. Some topics may include child rearing, dealing with stress, & displaying value systems. Cultural competence will be discussed as it pertains to working with the African American population. 1.5 Infant Toddler credits will be awarded for this session.
Noteworthy... | | Press Release - November 28, 2011
Training Peers Improves Social Outcomes for Some Kids with ASD
NIH-funded Study finds Engaging Peers in Social Skills Intervention May Be More Helpful than Training Children with ASD Directly. Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who attend regular education classes may be more likely to improve their social skills if their typically developing peers are taught how to interact with them than if only the children with ASD are taught such skills. According to a study funded by the National Institutes of Health, a shift away from more commonly used interventions that focus on training children with ASD directly may provide greater social benefits for children with ASD. The study was published online ahead of print on November 28, 2011, in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.
"Real life doesn't happen in a lab, but few research studies reflect that," said Thomas R. Insel, director of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), a part of NIH. "As this study shows, taking into account a person's typical environment may improve treatment outcomes."
The most common type of social skills intervention for children with ASD is direct training of a group of children with social challenges, who may have different disorders and may be from different classes or schools. The intervention is usually delivered at a clinic, but may also be school-based and offered in a one-on-one format. Other types of intervention focus on training peers how to interact with classmates who have difficulty with social skills. Both types of intervention have shown positive results in studies, but neither has been shown to be as effective in community settings.
Connie Kasari, Ph.D., of the University of California, Los Angeles, and colleagues compared different interventions among 60 children, ages 6-11, with ASD. All of the children were mainstreamed in regular education classrooms for at least 80 percent of the school day.
These children were randomly assigned to either receive one-on-one training with an intervention provider or to receive no one-on-one intervention. The children were also randomized to receive a peer-mediated intervention or no peer-mediated intervention. The two-step randomization resulted in four intervention categories, each with 15 children who had ASD:
- Child-focused: direct, one-on-one training between the child with ASD and intervention provider to practice specific social skills, such as how to enter a playground game or conversation
- Peer-mediated: group training with the intervention provider for three typically developing children from the same classroom as the student with ASD; the affected student did not receive any social skills training. The participating children were selected by study staff and teachers and were taught strategies for engaging students with social difficulties.
- Both child-focused and peer-mediated interventions
- Neither intervention.
All interventions were given for 20 minutes two times a week for six weeks. A follow-up was conducted 12 weeks after the end of the study. After the follow up phase, all children with ASD who had received neither intervention were re-randomized to one of the other treatment categories.
Children with ASD whose peers received training-including those who may also have received the child-focused intervention-spent less time alone on playgrounds and had more classmates naming them as a friend, compared to participants who received the child-focused interventions. Teachers also reported that students with ASD in the peer-mediated groups showed significantly better social skills following the intervention. However, among all intervention groups, children with ASD showed no changes in the number of peers they indicated as their friends.
To read the complete article, please visit the NIMH website here.
Parent Resources... | |
The listings below are intended for informational purposes only. TelAbility does not endorse any agency or organization.
Wake County Cerebral Palsy Support Group
A way for parents to share, laugh, and cry with others who can identify with the daily joys and struggles by talking, using social media, and having family outings as needed.
The group is not limited to the diagnosis of CP. For more information, contact Shannon at (919) 610-9500 or by email at wakecpparents@gmail.com
Project Enlightenment
Project Enlightenment offers a host of helpful resources and services for teachers and parents of young children birth through kindergarten. Come by and check out the resources in the Parent Teacher Resource Center (PTRC), call about their services (919-856-7774) or visit their website at www.projectenlightenment.wcpss.net. You can access our library catalog from your computer. Just follow the simple directions listed below. To access the Library Catalog: 1. Go to the Project Enlightenment website at www.projectenlightenment.wcpss.net 2. Look under Highlights. 3. Click on destiny.wcpss.net. 4. Select Project Enlightenment. 5. This will take you to our catalog. 6. You may search for any book.
Developmental Therapy Associates
DTA's website now as an "Ask a Therapist" section - If you have a question to ask of an Occupational or Speech Therapist, here is your chance!
DTA also has intensive therapy opportunities for year-round track out such as Handwriting Intensives, Articulation Boot Camp and Auditory Integration Training.
Please visit their website at the link above for more information.
Carolina Parent's 2011-12 Family Guide to Special Needs Resources in the Triangle...
Is now available online at:
Carolina Mobility & Seating http://www.carolinamobility.com/ Specializing in pediatric mobility and seating. Carolina Mobility and Seating serves Eastern and Central North Carolina. They supply manual and power wheelchairs, positioning strollers, seating and positioning systems, standing aids, walking aids, bath and toiletry, and many other items. They are also a certified repair center with professionally trained technicians and an extensive parts inventory.
Building Bridges
www.grayfamilychiropractic.com (919) 850-2440 Dr. Alisha Davis offers the Building Bridges program which combines specific chiropractic care, neurointegrative exercises and nutritional modifications designed to improve a child's nervous system function, and bridge the gap between the brain and the body.
Level Four Pediatric Cranial Designs http://www.levelfour.us.com/ A full service orthotic and prosthetic clinic, including use of the Starscanner for cranial remolding orthoses. For more information, please visit their website at http://www.levelfour.us.com/. SmartEd Services TAP*it technology SmartEd works with schools providing classroom technology designed to provide accessibility to all students. TAP*it allows for a stimulating learning environment using multiple senses no matter the ability level of the student. Please click here for more information about this technology. Social Skills Resources for Parents and Teachers brought to you through Project Enlightenment For a comprehensive list of resources available, please click here, or visit Project Enlightenment's website.
Shining Stars Pediatric Therapy Services Move to Learn Program Move to Learn is a drop off program instructed by a licensed Occupational Therapist and is a language based group for children between the ages of 2 and 4. Focusing on the principles of sensory integration, each themed session will address motor, language, sensory, cognitive, social and emotional skills through music, movement, and hands on activities. For compete details and dates, please click here. Capitol City Speech Therapy
Mom's Morning Out!
Need to get some grocery shopping done? Capitol City Speech Therapy is here to help!
Capitol City Speech Therapy will be offering a Mom's Morning Out on Fridays from 9:00 - 11:00. Bring your kids between the ages of 18 months and five years to our office on 141 Main Street, Fuquay Varina ready for two hours of crafts, story times, games and tons of fun. A charge of $20.00 per child will be accepted upon arrival with discounts available for multiple children ($15.00 for the second child, $10.00 for the third child, etc). Space is limited to eight children per Friday so please call ahead for reservations!
For more information, please click here.
Exceptional Children's Assistance Center
ECAC is a private non-profit parent organization committed to improving the lives and education of ALL children through a special emphasis on children with disabilities.
Parent Education Programs include:
The NC Parent Training and Information (PTI)
The NC Parent Information and Resource Center (PIRC)
The NC Family-to-Family Health Information Center (HIC)
NC State Improvement Project
Behavior and Reading Improvement Center (BRIC)
Bridging the Gap
For more information, please visit ECAC's website at the link above.
Giving to TelAbility... | |
You can recognize a child you serve, or a professional you admire by making a donation to TelAbility/WATCH on their behalf.
Send your gift, along with a few words about the child or professional to:
1101 Weaver Dairy Road, Suite 202
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Checks can be made out to the UNC Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Include "TelAbility" in the memo line.
Thank you!