April 7th, 2011
8:00am-4:30pm | |
WRIGHTSLAW Special Education Law and Advocacy Conference
To be held at: Westover Church, 505 Muirs Chapel Rd., Greensboro, NC 27410
This is a one-day special education law and advocacy program focusing on four areas:
Special Education laws, rights and responsibilities
Tests and measurements to measure progress and regression
Introduction to tactics and strategies for effective advocacy.
This conference is designed for parents, educators, health care providers, advocates and attorneys.
For complete details, including registration fees, please click here. |
April 8th, 2011
1-2:30pm | |
FREE TelAbility/WATCH Multipoint Training:
Please see complete article to the right for details |
April 8th-9th, 2011
8:00am-5:30pm both days | |
Pediatric Feeding Course, hosted by
Pediatric Therapy Associates
Pediatric Therapy Associates is partnering with Motivations, Inc. to host a 2 day pediatric feeding workshop which is open to any OT's, SLP's, PT's and nutritionists.
It will offer a medical, motor and behavioral approach to pediatric feeding and swallowing disorders.
Group Discount-5 or more $375
Member of APTA, AOTA, NATA, ASHA, SCARF or ATRI $425
Single Registration $475 (Register online and save $25)
Registration for this course is through Motivations, Inc. Please click here to view the registration form, course objectives and outline. |
April 9th, 2011
9:30am-12:00pm | |
Safari Celebration
Family Fun and Parade
501 South Boylan Ave, Raleigh, NC 27603
Please join the Project Enlightenment Foundation in celebrating the National Week of the Young Child and Project Enlightenment's 40+ years of service to children.
This event will have safari-themed crafts, face painting, music, and family activities culminating in a children's parade led by Mr. and Mrs. Wolf from NCSU!
The suggested donation is $5.00 per family. |
April 11th, 2011
7:00pm-9:00pm | |
This is a free workshop brought to you by ECAC and Wake SEIC for parents and families with children who have disabilities or special needs.
Where: WakeMed Raleigh Campus, Health Park Pavillion Outpatient Rehab Program, 2nd floor
300 New Bern Ave., Raleigh 27610
To register, for more information, or questions please contact Kim Rineer at
1-800-962-6817, ext 317, or through the website at www.wake-seic.org. Also, see attached flyer |
April 11th, 2011
7:00pm-9:00pm | |
WRITING EFFECTIVE IEP's "Beyond the Basics"
This is a free workshop brought to you by ECAC and Wake SEIC for parents and families with children who have disabilities or special needs.
Where: WakeMed Raleigh Campus, Health Park Pavillion Outpatient Rehab Program, 2nd floor
300 New Bern Ave., Raleigh 27610
To register, for more information, or questions please contact Kim Rineer at
1-800-962-6817, ext 317, or through the website at www.wake-seic.org. Also, see attached flyer |
April 12th, 2011
5:00pm-7:00pm | |
Educator Workshop: Intentional Teaching
Intentional teachers keep in mind the key goals for children's learning and development in all domains by creating supportive environments, planned curriculum, and a variety of teaching strategies that best promote each child's thinking and developmental skills.
Fees: $16.00
April 13th, 2011
10:00am-12:00pm | |
AUTISM SPECTRUM IEP - The Autism Society of NC
505 Oberlin Rd., Ste 230, Raleigh
This workshop covers the basics of the IEP and how to prepare and advocate for school age children on the Autism Spectrum.
Childcare is not available. |
April 14th, 2011
8:30am-11:00am | |
Educator Workshop: A Guided Observation of the Family Literacy Classroom
This workshop is designed for teachers of 3-5 year olds. Participants observe and discuss best practices in one of two Project Enlightenment inclusion programs, such as literacy-rich environments, caring communities in action, positive guidance strategies and respectful teacher/child interactions.
Fees: $20.00
April 14th, 2011
5:30pm-8:00pm | |
Family Fun Night
Family Fun Night is a special evening for kids with special needs to experience the museum in a calmer, quieter environment. Admission is free and exclusively for kids with special needs and their families. Also free with a Family Fun Night sticker is admission to the 7:00pm showing of the IMAX documentary, Born to be Wild 3D, and popcorn to enjoy! Click here for details. |
April 14th, 2011
6:30pm-8:30pm | |
The Spirited Child
Is your child often called "difficult", or "strong-willed"? Is he or she challenging, energetic and persistent? Perhaps your child is a "spirited child".
This workshop will discuss the characteristics of "spirited children" and provide better ways to respond to their needs. It is for families with children 3 years to 6 years of age.
For registration information, please visit Project Enlightenment's website here. |
April 15th, 2011
7:00pm-9:30pm | |
TDSN Spring Fling Dance
Jaycee Park Community Center, 2401 Wade Ave., Raleigh
This dance is open to all teens with disabilities, it is not limited to those with Down Syndrome. Pizza and refreshments will be provided.
If your child requires close supervision, parents will need to stay or provide a 1:1 assistant during the dance. CAP workers welcome and do not pay admission.
For more information, please contact the Triangle Down Syndrome Network at (919) 803-0515
Cost is $5.00. |
April 16th, 2011
10:15am-12:30pm | |
Special Blessings Play Group to meet at Historic Oak View Park
Meet at Historic Oak View by 10:15am for a tour, then bring a picnic lunch for you and your family. After enjoying exploring this piece of history families will come together for a Support and Fellowship meeting at the picnic area on the grounds.
If you and your family plan to attend, please be sure to sign up no later than April 14th, 2011 here. |
April 26th, 2011
9:30am-11:30am | |
Off to a Good Start As Your Child Enters Kindergarten
This workshop is for adults only with children entering kindergarten in the coming year. This workshop will include information about helping your child get ready for kindergarten, as well as useful tips to ease the transition into kindergarten.
Fee is $12.00 per person,
$18.00 per couple
Registration Deadline: April 19th
April 28th, 2011
6:30pm-8:30pm | |
Taming the Dragon in Ourselves and Our Children
This workshop is for families with children 3 to 6 years of age.
It will discuss why we experience anger and how we can help our children to express anger, and explore strategies to teach children to express and resolve angry feelings in a healthy manner.
Fees: $15.00 per person
$22.00 per couple
April 30th, 2011
11:00am-2:00pm | |
11th ANNUAL SPRING FESTIVAL for Children with Special Needs and their Families!
Sponsored by Brooks Avenue Church of Christ, 700 Brooks Avenue, Raleigh.
Fun, games, hot dogs, popcorn, petting zoo, crafts, prizes, music and entertainment. The event is free!
For more information, please contact Brooks Avenue Church of Christ at (919) 821-2400, or visit www.brooks.org |
Join Our List |  |
DRAWING NEARER... | | 2011 RUN, WALK & ROLL TelAbility's 3rd Annual Run, Walk & Roll is only 6 weeks away! Not only can you take part in the 5k run or 1 mile walk and roll, but we have some fabulous surprises in store for the whole family! See you at the event on May 14th, 2011 at Koka Booth Amphitheatre in Cary! |
To be included in this special edition, if your organization is hosting summer programs or camps for children with special needs, please email stephanie at sorourke@med.unc.edu with all the details! |
by Nora Roehm, M.Ed., Program Coordinator TelAbility/WATCH
TelAbility was pleased to have Occupational Therapist, Dawn Solomon of Shining Stars Therapy present the first of a three part series on Understanding Sensory Processing on March 18th.
55 people participated at 5 different host sites and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive!
Dawn the origins of sensory integration theory, defined the 7 sensory systems, and gave examples of what different sensory processing disorders may look like..
Thanks to the participants at all sites for their great questions and discussion!
Part II of this series is Friday, April 8th from 1-2:30pm. Email stephanie at sorourke@med.unc.edu to register!
Dr. Alexander gave an excellent presentation on Spina Bifida on March 25th, along with Physical Therapist Laura Case of Duke University. Josh provided information about spina bifida, it's complications, and advances in treatment while Laura Case discussed considerations for therapy.
We were also happy to have Susan Williamson with her 11 year old daughter Anna. Having participated in the MOMS (Management of Myelomeningocele Study) and undergone fetal surgery to repair the spina bifida lesion on Anna's back, Susan spoke about her experience being part of the study and preparing for the surgery, and Anna spoke a little about herself and her interests - one of which is basketball! |
Did you Know... | |
All of TelAbility's free multipoint video trainings, including the two mentioned above, can be viewed at any time on from our online archives at: https://www.mcnc.org/video-streaming/telability. Choose the session you wish to view from the drop down menu. |
TelAbility/WATCH Upcoming Free Multipoint Training... | |
Understanding Sensory Processing, Part II
April 8th, 2011 1:00-2:30pm
We are pleased to announce that Ms. Dawn Solomon, OTR/L will present the second installment of our three part series "Understanding Sensory Processing Disorders" on Friday April 8th, 2011 from 1:00 pm-2:30 pm. In this second session Dawn will the various types of sensory processing disorders, such as modulation/regulation issues, arousal thresholds, hyper/hypo sensitivity issues, and sensory seeking vs avoiding.
The following sites are hosting April's event:
The Raleigh CDSA: 319 Chapanoke Rd., Raleigh
The Wilmington CDSA: 3311 Burnt Mill Dr., Wilmington
Smart Start: 1121 Situs Court, Ste 250, Raleigh
Abilitations: 11030 Raven Ridge Rd., Ste 101, Raleigh
The Tammy Lynn Center: 739 Chappell Dr., Raleigh
This presentation is open to both professionals and parents. If you are interested in attending this session at one of our host sites, please email sorourke@med.unc.edu including your host site preference. |
Agency Profile... | |
Shining Stars Therapy
by Nora Roehm, M.Ed.
Shining Stars Therapy in Fuquay Varina has been a labor of love for owner Dawn Solomon. Believing it was the right time, she took a leap of faith and opened her agency two years ago.
"Shining Stars Therapy evolved from a need in the community. I met more and more families who traveled long distances to get the assistance necessary for their child. Being a parent of a child with a sensory processing disorder also inspired me because it is not a well recognized condition. We, as OT's, have the skills to educate families on how to help their children be functionally at their best, and understand how their brains and bodies work. Additionally, I strongly believe in education, community service and mentorship. I wanted to have a facility that gave its therapists an opportunity to work and think outside the box."
Dawn's philosophy in life/work is to give to others, always do your best and go for it.
"A quote I read recently stays with me... 'What would you attempt if you knew you would not fail?' This is what inspires me to make Shining Stars Therapy the best it can be for our community, kids, their families and its employees."
Originally from New York, Dawn has been in North Carolina since 2005. She started out her career in adult Neuro rehab but quickly moved into pediatrics working for the Association for Children with Down syndrome on Long Island in homes, centers and preschools. She has experience in both the school system and the early intervention system. Additionally, Dawn has extensive training in Sensory Integration.
Shining Stars employs 7 occupational therapists and 1 physical therapist all providing a variety of therapies in the clinic, home , or child care center. Along with the Sensory Integrative treatment strategies the therapists are well versed in the treatment of fine motor skills, visual motor, visual perceptual skills, constraint therapy (casting), splinting and overall self help skills. They do free screening and offer treatment intensives.
This summer Shining Starts Therapy is in the process of organizing groups for ages 3-5 and ages 6-10. Both groups will focus on social skills, sports, & water based activities/crafts. www.shiningstarstherapy.com.
...Bowling Tournament - April 9th from 10am to 2pm! | |
Hosted by Abilitations Children's Therapy to benefit the Sassafras All Children's Playground
Please click on the following link for complete details Bowl-a-Thon, and here for a copy of the sponsor sheet.
To register your team, please call (919) 844-6611, or email tr@actwc.com, or jennifer@actwc.com. There is a minimum pledge to play, but the goal is to raise as much money per team to benefit the playground.
Top teams will receive prizes! |
Parent Resources... | |
The listings below are intended for informational purposes only. TelAbility does not endorse any agency or organization.
Abilitations Children's Therapy & Wellness Center presents: ROCK THE PULSE
A music therapy rock band! Casting call for members aged 10-18 years old.
WHEN: Wednesdays, April 6th-May 18th, 2011 from 6:15-7:15
WHERE: Reality Ministries, 916 Lamond Ave., Durham, NC 27701. Call (919) 844-6611 for more information, or to join the band!
Parent Counseling at No Cost!
The staff at NC Parent Consultants has joined with others to provide counseling for families with children birth through kindergarten at Project Enlightenment in Raleigh. The services are paid for by Wake County Schools.
For more information visit Project Enlightenment's website at www.projectenlightenment.wcpss.net, or call (919) 856-7800
Social Skills Resources for Parents and Teachers
brought to you through Project Enlightenment
For a comprehensive list of resources available, please click here, or visit Project Enlightenment's website.
Advanced Seating and Mobility, Inc.
Advanced Seating & Mobility, (ASM) is a Raleigh-based, locally operated durable medical equipment company serving eastern and central North Carolina. We specialize in accessibility products including a full range of mobility and rehab equipment from basic to highly complex, as well as custom home modifications. ASM has a team of RESNA-Certified Seating Specialists and Reimbursement Specialists in order to support your equipment and insurance/funding needs.
For detailed information on ASM and the equipment they carry, please visit their website at: www.seating-mobility.com
Shining Stars Pediatric Therapy Services
Move to Learn Program
Move to Learn is a drop off program instructed by a licensed Occupational Therapist and is a language based group for children between the ages of 2 and 4. Focusing on the principles of sensory integration, each themed session will address motor, language, sensory, cognitive, social and emotional skills through music, movement, and hands on activities. For compete details and dates, please click here.
Capitol City Speech Therapy
http://www.capitolcityspeechtherapy.com/ Mom's Morning Out!
Need to get some grocery shopping done? Capitol City Speech Therapy is here to help!
Capitol City Speech Therapy will be offering a Mom's Morning Out on Fridays from 9:00 - 11:00. Bring your kids between the ages of 18 months and five years to our office on 141 Main Street, Fuquay Varina ready for two hours of crafts, story times, games and tons of fun. Be sure to pack any diapers or a change of clothes that your child may need. A charge of $20.00 per child will be accepted upon arrival with discounts available for multiple children ($15.00 for the second child, $10.00 for the third child, etc).
Space is limited to eight children per Friday so please call ahead for reservations!
For more information, please click here.
Exceptional Children's Assistance Center
ECAC is a private non-profit parent organization committed to improving the lives and education of ALL children through a special emphasis on children with disabilities.
Parent Education Programs include:
The NC Parent Training and Information (PTI)
The NC Parent Information and Resource Center (PIRC)
The NC Family-to-Family Health Information Center (HIC)
NC State Improvement Project
Behavior and Reading Improvement Center (BRIC)
Bridging the Gap
For more information, please visit ECAC's website at the link above. |
Noteworthy Article... | |
Reading Minds: the Science, not the Fiction
April, 2011 Brain Briefings, published by the Society for Neuroscience.
Can a scientist read your mind by scanning your brain? Only in the pages of science fiction. However, by combining advanced brain imaging techniques with computer software that can detect patterns of brain activity, neuroscientists are getting an unprecedented look into how the brain perceives, decides, and remembers. This fascinating area of research, which neuroscientists call brain decoding, may be useful in designing better prosthetics and communication devices for people who are paralyzed. The ability to read people's thoughts has long been a popular theme in science fiction stories and movies. In the real world, such broad mind-reading powers are not possible. Yet, advances in brain imaging and computer technology are enabling scientists to decode brain activity patterns in ways that offer limited, but captivating, glimpses into what people perceive at a given moment in time. Using these new techniques to peer into the working brain, scientists are able to predict what images - or even short video clips - people are looking at or where people are as they navigate through a virtual environment. As a result of this research, neuroscientists are not only learning about normal brain function, but also are developing better technologies to compensate for injury or illness.
Giving to TelAbility... | |
You can recognize a child you serve, or a professional you admire by making a donation to TelAbility/WATCH on their behalf.
Send your gift, along with a few words about the child or professional to:
1101 Weaver Dairy Road, Suite 202
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Checks can be made out to the UNC Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Include "TelAbility" in the memo line.
Thank you!