| Author: Joshua Alexander, MD
COMMON USES: Used to relax muscles and treat spasticity. Also used in malignant hyperthermia.
HOW IT'S SUPPLIED: 25, 50, and 100 milligram capsules Injectable solution
HOW IT WORKS: Works directly on skeletal muscles to produce generalized, mild weakness and overall improvement in muscle tone.
THINGS TO DISCUSS WITH YOUR DOCTOR *Use with caution in children with heart or lung disease *May cause liver damage. Liver function tests should be done on a regular basis while medicine is being used. *Drowsiness, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, and diarrhea may occur, but happen less often when starting with a low dose of the medicine. *May make skin sensitive to sunlight *May cause difficulties in chewing and swallowing *If capsules are hard to swallow, the contents of the capsules can be mixed into juice or other liquids if it is stirred well and drank immediately *Some pharmacists can prepare a 5 milligram/milliliter suspension for easier use.
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