Author: JJA
COMMON USES: Treatment of hypotonic (low tone) bladder muscles which don't push all the collected urine out. (This can lead to bladder accidents and infections.)
HOW IT'S SUPPLIED: Tablets - 5, 10, 25, or 50 milligrams (liquid version can be specially prepared by your pharmacist) HOW IT WORKS: Stimulates the bladder wall muscles to push the urine out so that the bladder empties completely.
THINGS TO DISCUSS WITH YOUR DOCTOR: * It is best to take bethanechol on an empty stomach, 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals to avoid nausea or vomiting. * Should not be taken if you have a seizure disorder, asthma, or blockage of the intestines or bladder. * Can cause abdominal cramps, nausea, flushing, or dizziness when getting up.