Author: Joshua Alexander, MD
COMMON USES: Bladder muscle relaxant
HOW IT'S SUPPLIED: Tablets - 5 milligrams (XL comes in 5,10 and 15 milligram long-acting form) Syrup - 1 milligram per 1 milliliter Skin Patch - delivers 3.9 milligrams per day for 3-4 days
HOW IT WORKS: Relaxes the muscles in the bladder, increasing the bladder's ability to hold urine. Reduces bladder pressure, bladder spasms, the urge to pass urine, and the frequency of bladder accidents (incontinence) THINGS TO DISCUSS WITH YOUR DOCTOR: * May be taken on an empty stomach, but give with meals or milk to prevent stomach irritation. * Can cause flushing of the face. * Can cause decreased ability to sweat and cool off, so avoid exposures to extreme heat when taking this medicine. * May cause drowsiness, dizziness or blurred vision * If this causes dry mouth, try drinking plenty of water or sucking on sugarless hard candies. * Patch causes less dry mouth but may not be appropriate for young children.