| Author: JJA
COMMON USES: Used to treat complex partial seizures and epilepsy.
HOW IT'S SUPPLIED: 250 milligram tablets (blue) 500 milligram tablets (yellow) 750 milligram tablets (orange) 100 milligram per milliliter solution
HOW IT WORKS: The exact way this medicine works is unknown, but it is believed to calm abnormal brain waves that can cause seizures.
THINGS TO DISCUSS WITH YOUR DOCTOR: * Can be used in children as young as 1-month old. * Common side effects include sleepiness, unsteadiness, behavior changes(agitation, anger,and more),neck pain, and/or dizziness. * Use with caution in children who have kidney disease. * Some side effects can be avoided by starting at lower doses and increasing the medicine as tolerated. * Oral solution is grape-flavored.
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