| Author: Joshua Alexander, MD
COMMON USES: To prevent or lessen asthma attacks. For relief of seasonal allergic rhinitis (runny nose).
HOW IT'S SUPPLIED : 10 milligram tablets 5 milligram chewable tablets 4 milligram chewable tablets 4 milligram oral granule formulation
HOW IT WORKS: Usually taken once a day in the evening, this medicine works by blocking some of the chemicals in your body (called leukotrienes) that cause airway swelling, and inflammation during an asthma attack.
THINGS TO DISCUSS WITH YOUR DOCTOR: *May be used in children who are 6 months and older. * Should NOT be used to treat an asthma attack that?s already begun. * Should NOT be used to treat asthma that occurs during exercise (exercise-induced asthma). * Common side effects include: headache, sore throat, stomach upset and pain, ear infection, tiredness, dizziness, and cough. * Diarrhea, sore throat, nausea, ear and sinus infections have also been reported in children taking this medicine. * Your doctor may want to do some blood tests to check liver enzyme levels while the child is on this medication as it may cause some liver damage. * Chewable tablets contain phenylalanine and should not be given to children who have phenylketonuria (a condition that makes it hard for the body to digest some chemicals and can lead to brain damage). * May not work as well in children taking phenobarbital or rifampin.
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