| Author: Joshua Alexander, MD
HOW IT'S SUPPLIED: 15, 30, 60, 100 milligram tablets 16 milligram capsule Elixir - 20 milligram in each 5 milliliters (one teaspoonful)
COMMON USES: Most commonly used to treat and prevent seizures (including generalized tonic-clonic, partial, neonatal and febrile types)
THINGS TO DISCUSS WITH YOUR DOCTOR: * Most common side effects are dizziness and drowsiness. * Rarely causes hyperactivity, upset stomach, irritability, insomnia, or aggression. * Use with caution if your child has liver or kidney disease. * Blood levels should be checked regularly. * High doses may slow down rate of breathing. * Don?t stop this medicine suddenly as this may cause anxiousness, sleeplessness and/or irritability. * If your child has a seizure disorder, it may be useful for them to wear a Medic Alert bracelet that states they have a seizure disorder and are taking phenobarbital.
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