Author: Krisi Brackett MS SLP/CCC
This month's featured websites offer resources in different areas of speech and language disorders.
Fluency The Stuttering Homepage is dedicated to providing information about stuttering for both consumers and professionals who work with people who stutter.
Language The Starfall learn-to-read program was created for the child just learning to read by using rhyming games and interesting books that teach phonemic awareness (sounds in words), phonics, decoding skills, and comprehension. The program is designed to instill confidence and enable the child to proceed as quickly as possible to a balanced reading program.
Speech Sounds Disorders: The Communication Connects is a website dedicated to providing practical, useable information for speech/language pathologists, educators, and parents. Check out the story-making machine link which features stories and poems that target specific sounds.
Alternative and Augmentative communication (AAC) This site was written by a speech pathologist specializing in AAC. She includes free materials on the site as well as information on seminars and consultation.